Satsuki Kiryuuin x Male!Reader

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You are an average young man, a face in the crowd. The one distinction between you and most other folks was that you had attended Honnouji academy as a one-star, until what happened to the academy and the city of Honnou where it was located. After the life fibers were destroyed, the city sunk beneath the waves of the sea along with the academy.

You of course, having some common sense and awareness of your capabilities, had already skedaddled off to Tokyo well before the shit hit the fan properly.

You now resided in Tokyo, and you were glad that you did. Better safe than sorry, as they said.

You had been 18 years old when you left the city and were now a ripe 23 years old. But you were still the same; a face in the crowd, an average Joe.

You had taken a job at a well-paying company that had reasonable working hours and all that. Even so, some of your workaholic friends said that you were too lazy, but you thought otherwise. Sure, you didn't work overtime, but neither did you slack. You just did your job and got paid. Sure, no promotions were going to be coming your way, but you didn't mind. Not that it stopped your work from becoming overwhelming at times.

Your life seemed fine and dandy, but you felt that it was a bit boring. Back in Honnouji academy, there were plenty of events and activities that kept you on your toes. But still, you considered it wouldn't have been worthwile to stay there after a girl by the name of Ryuuko Matoi appeared. Once she appeared and started causing trouble, you decided to get away when you could.

Sure, it had been exciting and an interesting experience overall, studying in the heavily hierarchy-based academy. But still, better to save your own hide rather than get into trouble or end up as a casualty. The only negative thing about leaving the academy was that you sometimes felt bored, as your life from when you left Honnou city to this point had been uneventful. Your best guess was that your time in Honnouji academy had left you with a need for excitement.

Unfortunately, that was an itch you couldn't scratch, as you didn't really want to spend your modest earnings on a trip abroad or something like that.

Instead, you had spent time at a pub not too far away from your apartment.Nobody judged your more laid-back attitude there and you alleviate the mild stress you had with some of the other patrons. You spent a lot of time there, though not exclusively to drink your stress away when needed. You mostly went there for the calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Another little disadvantage of you moving out of town on a short notice was that you lost most of the friends you had back in Honnou city. After the city sank, most of them left for other schools or jobs. This left you with only a bunch of workaholic friends who usually nagged about how you never really put effort into your work. And you couldn't really care less about them anymore, since they gradually stopped contacting you over the last five years.

But the one thing that really stuck out in your memories from back in Honnouji academy was the president of the academy; Satsuki Kiryuuin. The lady who held absolute authority over the academy and the city around them. You had at first found her possibly the most intimidating person you had ever met, but had eventually come to admire her ability to control her domain with an iron fist.

In short, you respected her and would probably bow before her by impulse if you'd ever meet her in person again. Another thing with her was that you had unwittingly developed a crush on her. You didn't know exactly how it happened, but after a while of studying in the academy your heart would beat like a jackhammer when near her. Maybe it was that confidence she exuded or her elegant beauty, but either way, it had happened. You sometimes wondered what she was doing nowadays.

But that was not really a question you could answer. You didn't really even see that girl Ryuuko take down all of the Elite Four members, because that's how quickly you ran away, your metaphorical tail in between your legs. Yes, you might have been a coward to not stay in the academy to see if you could to possibly get a shot at getting Satsuki's favor, but you valued your own survival a bit more over some impossibly small chance to meet her, which you would ruin anyways by becoming a blushing, stuttering mess.

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