Gurren Lagann - The Next Generation, Part 5

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1K views acquired ma nibbas. And that calls for another chapter of mecha action! Also, as things go, I can say that this story will not last forever (Just a heads up, honestly), I will eventually have to think of something else for view milestones. Suggestions are welcome.

But since this'll be featuring some Big O action, I can wholeheartedly say...


After a refreshing night with Mira at your place, you and her were eating breakfast. Last night had been mostly just cuddling and tickle fights, since you two were pretty in-touch with your inner children at times. It was part of the reason why you two were so compatible.

But after that, you and the redheaded twins headed back out for Greencube's base, which you accessed through a portal it created upon command.

"So, any plans big man?" You asked Greencube.

"Yes." It declared quite plainly, "After some planning with Roger Smith, I have decided that you, Roger, Sänger, Justice Kabuto, Shinji and also Sousuke will assault Paradigm Corporation's Headquarters and see if they're really manufacturing Asakim's army. If they are, it should give us an advantage in future battles once we destroy Alex Rosewater's manufacturing plants there."

"...Is it just me or are we acting like villains pretty often?" Lee stated.

"Do you have an issue with a being beyond even old Yahweh himself doing some morally questionable things?" Greencube stated bluntly, "My actions are far from evil, considering that Paradigm Corporation's more or less just Rosewater's means of acquiring more power. I suspect that it is the very reason he's even allied with Asakim in the first place."

"Shiiet." You stated, "Never thought this job would include moral dilemmas. But as long as I get to fight evil, I don't mind at all!"

"Ever the fighter (First)." Greencube stated, "But so you know, the enemies in Paradigm City will be tougher than most of our enemies thus far. I suspect that those two 50m mechas were merely prototypes."

The team remained silent for a moment.

"Either way, we have to stop Rosewater before it's too late. We must hope that he hasn't discovered one of our most powerful potential enemies." Greencube stated.

With that, a portal opened into a what seemed like an underground tunnel system.

"You will begin your attack on them by traveling underground and surfacing once you're close to Paradigm Corporation's entrance on Roger's cue." Greencube explained, "Roger will initially try to talk with Alex Rosewater, but if and when things get hairy, you, Shinji, Sänger and Justice Kabuto will attack the base once Sousuke has scouted the place"

"Alright." you said as you and the the others , "We'll just lay low until then." 

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