Altera (Saber) x Male!Reader

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As requested by neoaegis. Enjoy.

You are a magus, and a unique one at that.

In the sense that where other masters would often train rigorously and try to be something other than a master unable to fight anyone, you relied on your servant, Altera of the Saber class almost exclusively.

After all, where you used your magic to create golems to do all the menial tasks from housekeeping to acting as your bodyguards, Altera was easily able to best many of your foes with terrifying ease.

How? Giant fokken' lasers m8, summoned with that rainbow-sword Altera wielded.

One day, you were sunbathing on a hammock that two of your golems were holding up until Altera came along to join you at the veranda.

"Master, what are we going to do today?" She asked.

"Whatever we want to." You told her, "No Holy Grail Wars are happening, so we could really do anything. You thinking of something you wanna try out?"

Altera looked at her hands for a moment, seemingly confused by her liberties with you. She then joined you in the hammock, snuggling up to you like you were a giant teddy bear. The unfortunate thin is that even when you had bought her one, it had just turned into her sword because of her Civilization Erosion skill. Kinda sucked, since any gifts would turn into the same frickin' sword every time. 

After a while of cuddles, you decided to take a stroll through town, Altera following you closely. 

However, this peaceful stroll was interrupted when you were attacked by the Jaguar Man. 

"...Izzat a girl in a frickin' tiger costume?" you said, motioning at the pseudo-servant. 

"She is a pseudo-servant known as the Jaguar Man." Alter said, "Let me dispose of this nuisance." 

"Aye." you bluntly stated as you summoned a golem to carry you away to a safe distance. 

Not long after, a red beam was shot into the sky,  and from that spot emerged a massive magic circle. A beam of blue energy then flew down from the skies before hitting the hitting the magic circle, becoming an even deadlier beam of arcane destruction. 

Needless to say, Jaguar Man had no chance. 

"Boy is it a blessing to have you by my side. Good company, even if a bit quiet and enough firepower to kick the asses of all my enemies." you said. Altera blushed slightly from this. 

"I-I appreciate the compliment." she said bluntly. 

As you two continued the stroll, she eventually dragged you with her on various little excursions. 

The first one was a small arts session. It didn't really work out, since her accursed Civilization Erosion skill just turned the clay, instruments and all that into her sword. She almost destroyed the building in frustration if it wasn't for your intervention. 

She was silently pouting as you two ate ice cream cones. 

"It's really a shame that your class skill ruins your chances of trying things out for yourself. Every time you grab an object, it just turns into that rainbow sword." you said. 

She frowned sadly. 

"...I know." she said, "Can I not get to do anything else?" 

"I dunno. I recall that you could still touch food and food materials without turning them into swords." you replied. 

"...Could we cook dinner together, then?" she asked. 

"Sure thing." you said, "Feeling like doing something for once after lying around so much." 

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