Artoria Pendragon (Saber) x Male!Reader

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You were a young man who had lived a quiet life in a wealthy family, something afforded to it by the great riches inherited down a long bloodline. 

The last member of this family was you, the sole heir to the family's wealth once your grandfather, who told you tales of an ancient era when gods ruled the earth. And of fire, ash and dark. His stories were grim, but oddly absorbing in their details that your grandfather was happy to recount to you. 

On one hand, all of these stories left you wondering just how long ago this had happened. On the other hand, your parents told you to not take your grandfather's ramblings very seriously. It was still odd, how your parents didn't seem to think much of the stories of the old man. Even after he died and was buried in the family grave, your parents just said how they enjoyed his "silly stories." 

That didn't stop you from developing a vibrant imagination and a penchant for the arts, something your father seemed to ignore but your mother was happy to support. The stories also left you with a liking to your family's mansion, a remote but sizable house with countless old books and relics of times past, including one worn-down, fire-damaged set of armor. 

And you especially enjoyed the large fireplace in the living room. You spent much of your time there, doing homework, reading books and making drawings or paintings. Even after your parents bought you your own PC, you still found time to enjoy the warmth of the fire. 

Once they passed away, your mother left you with one final message; 

"Ashes seeketh embers..."

After they were buried in the family grave, you had the strangest dream. 

It was about fire and man-like figures gathering to it. And of the mysterious coiled sword that rested above the fireplace. Its peculiar, coiled design that suddenly caught flame in this dream. 

But this dream was interrupted when a female voice spoke to you; 

"I ask of you. Are you my master?" it spoke. 

Having nothing else to do, you replied with a "Yes." 

After that dream, you woke up. 

"What was all that about?" you thought, looking around you from your bed. The sun was shining from behind the shutters, so you guessed it was roughly morning. You then noticed an odd insignia that looked like some sort of a flame, but with an odd empty spot where the heart of the flame would be. 

Also, you smelled eggs, bacon and fresh coffee in the air of the well-maintained manor. And the family had no butlers, so you became suspicious very quickly, as you were supposed to be living alone. 

Being the cautious type, you grabbed the shotgun you had been bought and trained to use. Another one of your family's benefits, having the money and time to get a license for guns to protect yourself and your home from being defaced by hooligans or ransacked by petty thieves. 

You cautiously walked over to the kitchen, shotgun loaded with rubber buckshot, an effective method of scaring off any assailants. 

"Alright, lemme see hands." you said as you moved to the kitchen entrance to look inside. 

What you saw was quite unexpected. 

A blonde lady with green eyes was making breakfast over on the stove. She was wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt, and despite her fairly normal appearance, there was something... off about her. Other than her elegant beauty, that is. 

"Is something wrong, master?" she asked. 

"Oh, I dunno, someone sneaking into my family manor and making what looks like breakfast." you told the lady, "Also, why are you calling me 'master'?". 

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