2.) Start of a New Beginning

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     (A/N: During this sequence, until it is stated, you are still unconscious)

     "Tom! What was that all about..." a concerned voice trailed off as he caught sight of your limp form.

     A pair of hands abruptly touched your forehead, brushing away your hair and checking your wrist area for a pulse. Another voice, next to the concerned one, seemed far off. Distant.

     This voice had a strong accent that appeared to be Russian, but in actuality, resembled a Norwegian's, "Nice save, Jehovah's Witness, but seriously, is the kid okay? That was quite a fall."

     The man cradling you, grumbled at the term.

     Obviously, it wasn't his preferred nickname, yet he spoke all the same, "I think they're fine. Edd over here checked for a pulse and they must have one, otherwise, he'd be freaking out."

     A final voice appeared next to you and with it, came the constant touching of your face and the ruffling of your hair, "Look how stunning their hair is! You think when they wake up, I can ask them how they're able to make it look so nice?"

     A groan came from the group of boys.

     "Now is not the time, Matt," the man cradling you, Tom, replied.

     The concerned man, Edd, asked Tom, "Do you think we should try waking them up?"

     Tom nodded and tried shaking you, roughly, awake, "Kid, wake up, you fell from an escalator and we need to find your parents."

     The brunet scoffed at Tom and took you out of his arms, setting you down on the floor, "Not like that! How would you feel if you were woken up so violently and by a strange man, nonetheless, Tom? You have to do it gently."

     Carefully, the green-hooded man had Matt start to, jovially, fiddle with your hair. While he walked over with Tom to address the, at the moment, small throng of people. By the time you woke up a minute or so later, however, a larger crowd had already gathered and your eyes grew wide at the very sight of it. You jumped out of shock and promptly bumped into someone's legs.

     A ginger-haired man with a purple hoodie and a green overcoat greeted you, beaming, "Hello there, I'm Matt! I love the way you've done your hair. You think you could show me sometime how you managed to arrange it?"

     It was a strange question to be asked by someone you didn't even know, but you smiled at him all the same. Bobbing your head, although feeling slightly nauseous. Mostly, you were curious as to where the conversation would turn. To your own disappointment, it ended pretty quickly. You looked around and noticed a brunet with a green hoodie standing near the mob of onlookers, explaining everything to a nearby mall officer, of which had been called over due to the commotion. 

     The man, Edd, pulled out his phone and dialed a number into it, talking rapidly to whoever was on the other line. 

     Next to the man in green stood a man in the same hoodie, but instead garnished with a blue color.

     He had lighter brown, almost tan, hair compared to Edd's own locks and it was also much more spiked in comparison, at first glance. As you continued to stare at him, you briskly noticed something. Where eyes should have been, there were still eyes. However, the man's eyes resembled dark, swirling voids. You gazed at him in pure wonder before he turned to his other side to address a woman. 

     As if being signaled to stop staring, you glanced around one last time for the final voice you had heard, the Norwegian one.

     You were most curious about his voice as Norway had actually been one of your favorite areas to learn about. That was, thankfully, not due to the pressure of studying the world with your mother. Speaking of which, where were your parents? You felt your stomach begin to twist into a knot inside of your gut and soon realized that when they found out about this, as they surely would, you would be in so much trouble. You looked down at your hands, not willing yourself to cry because that would be pathetic. 

     As you'd been told many times before by both your mother and your father.

     If you weren't allowed to cry around them, then you wouldn't cry in public either.

     Suddenly, a dark shadow seemed to loom over you and when you peeked up at it, you saw a man in a red hoodie staring you down. The first thing you noticed about him was his hair and the way it parted in the front, forming what appeared to be two large horns. To you, from where you were sitting on the floor, he looked like the devil himself had crawled out from the depths of Earth.

     (There is currently no link to the artwork and I haven't been able to find the name of the artist, however; if you happen to know their name, please let me know! Anyway, the standoffish features are definitely my favorite part about this artwork! For example, the way that Tom is standing, in my opinion, just seems to represent his whole personality that he has been presented in having. There's also the hair and the way that it was drawn, which is perfect for this image. As, it is a silhouette, and because of that fact, you can really tell who it is instantly. Well, that and because of the color. Also, I felt like I should comment on the whole art style in general. The appearance of everything makes you believe that it is a stick figure, but at the same time, there is nothing that truly makes you think it's a stick figure. If you understand what I'm saying? All in all, it's a really great piece of artwork!)

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