26.) It's okay to cry sometimes

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     (A/N: Well, does this technically qualify as a 'Christmas in July' type of idea? If so, hopefully a bit of a longer chapter than usual will suffice as a gift! On another note, I apologize for the extended wait, as I was having some troubles with more scheduling issues and this was the result. Oh, and in this chapter, since last names are mentioned, I listed different surnames due to privacy. Anyhow, that's about it, happy reading!)

     The trip to the diner didn't end all that well, to say the least. You were probably just being melodramatic, but even so, you'd felt fairly light-headed and, apparently, it was to the point where your caregivers had managed to notice, too. The next thing you knew, you were back home resting on the sofa while Matt fussed over you some more. It wasn't too big of a deal, especially since it hadn't been the first time the ginger had done so that day. Although, against everything, thoughts about your biological parents rang through your head for quite some time.

     You'd thought about speaking with Edd, or Tom, perhaps even Matt about it, but you hesitated on Tord.

     The Norsk did have photos of you and documents that featured your mother and father's names, along with your own, after all. Yet, your reasoning only led you into a deeper wormhole. What if your parents were somehow involved with Tord and whatever that symbol meant? It kind of made sense, especially when you took into consideration the fact that both of them had been in Pat and Pau's car. Or, that's how it'd seemed from a distance.

     If you were right, however, what was stopping them from taking you back with them?

     Did they just want to see you? Maybe. Still, that begged the question, why would they have left you at the mall then? Nothing seemed to add up and after all of your thinking, you'd never even managed to work up the nerve to share your thoughts with your caregivers. Thankfully, Christmas was steadily approaching, providing you with a much needed distraction.

     Though, in all honesty, it definitely hadn't been that clear on your previous court date. Mostly since it'd been raining days before.

     Regardless, the temperature dropped quite a bit within a few short weeks and before you knew it, snow was seemingly cascading from the sky. Hardly leaving a moment for the remaining leaves to fall from the trees. As always, around this time, you practically begged your caregivers to tell you what they wanted for the holiday, but as per the usual, Edd silenced your protests. For the past few years, it seemed as if he wanted to make sure you realized you didn't owe him, or any of them, anything. It was a thoughtful idea and you knew the brunet meant well, but it was Christmas!

     Presents weren't the most important thing of course, but your caregivers always managed to get you gifts alongside their own.

     Whether that ranged from a new hoodie every year, art supplies, a shovel, or a pick for Susan, they put care into their choices and frankly, you wanted a chance to do the same. Unsurprisingly, that was how you found yourself wrangling up whatever you could find to use around the house, all the while trying your best to keep your secret from everyone. That included Ringo. Since the feline clearly deserved her own gift. So, leading up to Christmas, you were busy wallowing freely in your own more carefree ideas.

     At first, you thought about simply drawing something for each of them, but ended up quickly scrapping that plan.

     Deciding to instead sketch something just for Edd and then get Tom, Matt, and Tord something that was meaningful to them each in different ways. It seemed perfect! All you had to do was think things over. Since Matt liked his mirrors so much, how about you found a spare to give to him? However, with a slight twist, adding a picture or, perchance, a drawing to the back of the object.

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