13.) Greetings from Norway

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     (The next day/night):

      Just as he had every other night for the past two weeks, Tom made his way into your bedroom to soothe your mind from your nightmares. Tom, always, would start off whispering soft words into your ear or humming you short, lilting melodies. It reminded you a lot of Tord who usually, when he thought you weren't listening, would hum little tunes to himself. Though, you didn't know why. However, whenever Tord started up on his humming, you didn't seem to want to stop listening, even if it was out of tune. The same idea applied to Tom, though he didn't like to admit, out loud, that he ever hummed to you.

     Probably, because he felt like it would make you think he was nicer than he let on. Even though you already knew that he was a big softie inside. It was early in the morning when Tom had entered your room. You woke up from another one of your nightmares, sweating and shaking all over. Tom crawled up onto your bed, sitting crossed legged, moving Ringo away from you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into an awkward hug, calmly starting to hum to you.

     It was a soft sound, full of high and low notes. Even after having done this so many times for you and putting on a "calm" exterior, you could tell that Tom still acted somewhat unsure about what to do.

    You had your suspicions about Tom's motivations for helping you, but you still continued to ask him, whenever you got the chance, "Why do you care about coming in and helping me, Tom?" 

     As always, he just calmly shushed you and carried on with his humming.

    That was one of the things that kind of annoyed you about Tom, however. He was always with you and everyone else, most of the time. Sure, sometimes he would share small snippets of his life with you and the guys when he seemed more interested in things. Like he had in the ambulance. Otherwise, he was sort of like a stranger, but that didn't mean that you didn't care about him. You didn't know how long it had been, but like always, you fell back into a calmer sleep, Tom still holding you. When you woke up, you struggled to wriggle out of his grasp, Ringo watching you curiously. It took a minute and a lot of careful movement, but you managed to escape and got ready for the day. When you exited your bedroom you surprisingly, found Tord, already wake and dressed, sitting on the couch.

     He had his phone in his hand and he tapped its screen, smiling to himself, before stuffing the phone into his pocket. He looked in the direction of your bedroom and was startled as he saw that you were out of it.

     "Oh, god morgen, (Y/N)! You startled me." Translation: (Oh, good morning, (Y/N)!)

     "Sorry, Tord. God morgen, as well," you apologized. Translation: (Good morning, as well)

     Tord stood up from the couch, waving off your apology. You noticed Ringo padding out of your bedroom, making his way over to you.

     You reached out to pet him and Tord asked, "So, are you ready to go on our romp, then?"

     You stared at him confused, "Right now? I mean, Tom, Edd, and Matt aren't up and we haven't even had breakfast, yet."

     Tord chuckled, "Don't worry, (Y/N). I already spoke with them all last night and they agreed that it would be fine for us to get out earlier. Especially since they have some things they wanted to talk about alone. Plus, we'll be getting breakfast after we're there."

     He moved towards you, grabbing your hand in his and started toward the door, "Now, let's go out on the town, (Y/N)!"

    (A little while later):

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