17.) A Matt-erful Time

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     (A few days later):

     Three days had passed in their entirety since your "attack" and it was quite surprising how much one person could fill up a notebook in that short amount of time. Since Edd had left one of his notebooks with you, creativity had practically flowed out of your fingertips and even if you couldn't draw very well, in your own opinion, you still loved being able to pull something out of your mind and have the ability to jot it down on paper as your own vision. It really did help you to keep your mind in check and to focus on other things rather than your own worries. You knew that you would never be able to ever thank Edd enough for it, just as you would never be able to thank Edd enough for also taking you in and paying for your hospital bill, or Tord for helping you become more fluent in Norwegian by just speaking to you, or Tom for having helped comfort you all those times when you had nightmares, or Matt as he had helped you to learn to be happier about things. You were eternally grateful to each of them and you just hoped they knew that. Along with drawing almost constantly in your new notebook for the past few days, you had also been pondering a lot about the neighbors and your encounter with them.

     Mostly however, about how the man who looked awfully similar to Tom had waved at you and even how Eduardo and the man in the purple had seemed somewhat curious about you. As you had thought before, maybe there was a way you could introduce yourself to them in a more...calm manner than what had been present at the time. Though, you still weren't sure if Edd, Tom, Tord, or even Matt would be too keen on you introducing yourself to them. You would just have to look for a window of time, like you had with the bake sale, in order to meet them. Well, lucky for you, your caregivers had been speaking about searching for one of your possible family members that Edd had found in a phonebook, along with counseling, but you immediately pushed that thought aside, nearly blocking it out completely. You had been feeling better about things lately and you didn't want one thought to mess that up.

     Besides, in a way, you kind of hoped that they didn't find one of your family members.

     As strange as a thought like that was, especially since you had been wondering about where your parents had been for awhile now, you had been getting used to Tom, Matt, Tord, and Edd's presence and the thought of leaving them now pulled at your heartstrings. Maybe it was ridiculous to believe that you could get so attached to four grown men that you hadn't even been living with for that long, but at the same time, this was a world in which your "caregivers" had appeared almost as guardian angels, saving you from your own demise. Perhaps, it really wasn't that hard to believe after all. One particular morning when you had woken up, dressed yourself, and pulled Ringo off of your bed, carrying her with you into the living room, you had been surprised to find Matt sitting on the couch, the television on.

     Who, upon your entrance, chirped out to you in his own cheerful voice, "Good morning, (Y/N)!"

     Normally, this wouldn't have been a strange sight as all four of your "caregivers" tended to spend a lot of time on the couch, usually watching the television, but what was strange was the fact that there was no hide or tail of Edd, Tom, or even Tord.

     You shifted Ringo in your arms and walked over to Matt, slipping in a greeting as you took a seat next to him, "God morgen, Matt. Um, where'd Edd, Tom, and Tord get off to?"

     Matt looked unsure about what to say next, his face expressionless as you pet Ringo, her purrs the only thing breaking the silence that gripped the room. Over the last few days, Matt had been acting this way, as if he were trying to make sure he didn't say the wrong things to you. Obviously, he still blamed himself for causing your anxiety attack. That was what it had been called, the name your brain couldn't, or wouldn't, recall. Fortunately, after things had cooled down that fateful day, Edd had taken some time to try and figure out what had happened and surprisingly, with the extra time, he had managed to pinpoint a name down. Then, the research part of things had started, and it had been ongoing for the last few days.

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