10.) A Strange Occurrence

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     Tom stayed in his room for the duration of the movie and every so often you could hear him start up grumbling again. Even though he'd seemed "happy" when talking with you earlier, you guessed that he was actually more upset about his bedroom than he would have liked to let on. It was almost noon before anyone started to kick into gear, but when Edd did, everything fell into place like dominoes. The brunet had decided that they would first, get the clothes and other items that you needed today. After further inquiry, however, Edd made the final decision that Tord and Matt, along with Tom, would stay behind and try to get an area of the house cleared out for your bedroom. 

     Of course, Tord and Matt protested a bit, but Edd reminded them both that it was "technically" his home, so anything he said went. You'd tried changing Edd's mind, insisting that you should also stay behind in order to help, but he quickly shot down your protests.

     "I'm going to need you to come with me so that I can get the right size for everything, (Y/N). Besides, Tord, Matt, and Tom know what they're doing," Edd countered as you both entered the car.

     Though, Edd had to retract his previous statement as loud crashes were heard from inside the house. He sighed and shook his head before starting the car, driving off away from the home.

      "I hope you've enjoyed living with us so far, (Y/N), even though I know dealing with everyone all the time can be a quite handful."

     You noticed him smiling to himself as he continued, "Heck, it even took us a long time to get used to living together, at first. Eventually, we all started to feel like it was normal in some way, though. Ha, it's hard to imagine now, but there used to be a time when Tord and Tom were somewhat friendly to each other. They didn't talk too much together, but they at least tolerated one another's presence. I'm not exactly sure when a change occurred between them, but it did and their fighting is the product of whatever that change was."

     You sat with your mouth slightly ajar in the back of the car, pondering over Edd's words. It was kind of surprising to think of Tord and Tom actually tolerating each other and not clawing at one another's throats all the time, always trying to be the one on top at the end of an argument. Yet, at the same time in another part of your mind, it seemed somewhat possible.

     "Could they ever be that way again?" you contemplated.

     A loud honk from Edd's car pulled you back from your thoughts and you jumped, startled. A dark red car sped past the green-hooded man, crossing the centerline far too close for comfort.

     The brunet seemed to be mumbling something under his breath, but when he noticed you in his mirror he stopped, mentioning, "Sorry, (Y/N). Just some lunatic passing by us far too recklessly."

     "I'm fine Edd, I was just startled is all," you replied.

     You thought you heard the man start up another conversation with you, but his voice faded into the background as you stared at the car in front of you. It was hard to see, but you squinted your eyes anyway, trying to pick out something that might have been particularly noticeable on the license plate before it disappeared. Be as it may, the automobile had sped away too quickly for you to be able to make out much of anything that was useful. However, while your eyes may have been playing tricks on you, you thought that you might have seen a number of people in the car. Most noticeably, the figure of a woman or a man sitting in the back, their hair puffed out in "waves," covering some sort of blue uniform or jacket. 

     You dismissed the thought, playing it off as just a random family or perhaps visitors, well, visiting. Either way, you couldn't help but tuck away the thought for later, just in case.

     "Maybe we'll see them again," your mind concluded for you.

     "(Y/N)? Earth to, (Y/N)," the man chattered, breaking your silence.

     "Oh, yeah, Edd? I...I blanked out for a second."

     He chuckled, replying, "That's perfectly fine. I'm used to that type of thing; Matt does it all the time. Anyway, I was asking you if you'd be okay to go into the mall. It hasn't exactly been a long time since, you know what."

     You knew what he was referring to, the incident that happened a week ago. You falling from the escalator while trying to find your parents, but instead finding the guys. You dipped your head at the man, remembering, because it was kind of hard not to.

     "I think I'll be fine, Edd. Just promise me...you'll catch me if I fall?"

     Edd looked at you seriously for a moment in his mirror and agreed.

     "Of course, (Y/N). I'm going to try my best to never let anything like that ever happen to you again, for as long as you're in my, or well, our care."

     Once again, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of something tickle your heartstrings and you desperately wanted to reach out and hug Edd, thanking him and pleading with him to never let you go. Even as confused as you still were about your parents going "missing" and leaving you, somehow, you'd never felt more at ease. With strangers taking care of you, nonetheless.

     (There is no link that I could find for the following artwork, but it was drawn by AS and it is amazing looking! From the integration of the "lip," which matches the whole aesthetic of the artwork, to the hair, which has fantastic coloring, and even to the "wisps" on the back of the hair. Not to mention, the way the hoodie strings hang down; it gives the drawing this sense of realism, in a way. When everything is put together and all of these parts are combined, this artwork is the result and it is just amazing!)

It Will Be Better (Eddsworld X Child!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang