16.) "Casual" Banter

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     (A/N: Hey there! It's the author of this story and I just wanted to thank you all for 500+ reads! Honestly, when I first started this story, I didn't expect to make it this far. Anyway, I want to let you all know that I have an, almost, consistent update schedule now. Every new chapter in this story will be out every week and five days or so after the last chapter has been published until it is, eventually, finished. Also, I feel like I had some problems with the neighbors' personalities and their implementation this time around. Believe it or not, there isn't a whole lot to go off of character description wise for them and hopefully, I still managed to do okay. On a final note, I hope you all like the new cover art as well! As much as I really liked the previous artwork, I noticed it being used a lot, and I decided to have a sort of "commission" done. Anyways, happy reading!)

     "What are you all doing here?" Edd replied, his eyes flickering between each of the neighbors.

     "Don't you losers ever quiet down? I can hear you screaming at each other from inside our own home," Eduardo started, getting straight to the point, his annoyance with your "caregivers" clearly showing.

     "Oh," Edd paused, before replying, standing his own ground, "well, what does it matter anyway?"

     "It matters when I have to listen to blueberry and cherry outside practically strangling each other about who knows what!" Eduardo exclaimed, throwing out an arm in the direction of where Tom and Tord had been outside, previously.

     "Blueberry and cherry? Don't you mean Tom and Tord?" Edd questioned the man, before he was practically cut off mid sentence, by his neighbor, "Tom, Tord, whatever! I just don't want to have to listen to them bickering like they're in counseling or something. Frankly, it's already annoying enough having you all as neighbors and I don't need, or want, to deal with this!"

     "The same could be said for you," Edd grumbled, letting out an exasperated sigh.

     Edd and Eduardo continued their argument, their squabbling fading into background noise, as both Mark and Jon stood off to the side behind Eduardo, choosing to give Edd their best menacing "glares." 

     Mostly, because there wasn't much else they could do except wait out the ranting and help Eduardo get in a few jabs at Edd.

     (Your P.O.V):

     You sat, still cradled by Tom, both bewildered and tired, as you stared on at the scene at hand. From your spot on the floor, you could see that Edd was seemingly arguing with a man who looked oddly similar to him in his own appearance. Except for the fact that instead of a green hoodie and a shaven face, the man had on a green button-up and the beginnings of a mustache showed on his upper lip. This man, Eduardo as you assumed, also seemed to have more of a deep-set face, compared to Edd's more rounded. In fact, as you noticed the other two men standing behind Eduardo, you realized that they also looked oddly similar to both Matt and Tom, save for a few details here and there. 

     So, what was the deal? 

     Even though you felt almost completely drained, you couldn't help but give into your more curious nature. You stared up at Tom who sat on the floor, an alert expression lighting up his face when you looked at him, as if he had "snapped" into position.

     "Tom, who are they?" you questioned him, pointing a hand toward the three men standing at the door, watching as his face seemed to express a mix between boredom and disinterest, but not towards you.

     The void-eyed man shrugged his shoulders, calmly replying, "Oh, them? They're just the neighbors. Edd and Eduardo, that man in the front over there, have had this whole rivalry type of thing going on since they were kids. Honestly, it's probably better if we just stay out of it."

     You angled your head back, looking at both Matt and Tord who were sitting somewhat nearby, watching as the argument unfolded. 

     Matt had a look of visible discomfort on his face, while Tord looked mostly disconnected from everything as he sat staring at the group of men, his face unreadable.

     "Anyway," the sound of Tom's voice pulled you back from your haze, "are you alright, (Y/N)? Do you even remember what happened?"

     You winced slightly, trying to block out the memory. You remembered it all, as it had happened just a few minutes ago, vividly. The feelings of pain and the overwhelming thoughts that had coursed through your mind. The way that everything had seemed to finally spill out all at once in a flood of emotions, ideas, thoughts, and questions. All your nervousness about public school and the future had came rushing out. It had been too much to handle and even now, it still partly was.

     You blocked out your thoughts, your eyelids drooping, trying to let your mind go numb, "Yeah, I remember, but I'm fine."

     A sudden twinge of guilt for all of the panic you had caused made its way to the surface of your mind and you desperately wanted to apologize for all of the trouble you had put these four men through, but Tom almost seemed to expect this, and he shook his head.

     "You don't have to apologize, (Y/N). That's our job," he winked at you, "for when we screw up."

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