30.) There's always a low point

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     (A/N: The plot of these next two chapters were thought up by Camzy205 and all credit goes to them! This two parter wouldn't have been possible without your truly fantastic idea! In other news, the next chapter to this part will be published next week, as per usual, with the consecutive chapters following in suit. Anyways, before I start rambling, happy reading!)

     After your trip to Norway, you and your caregivers tried your best to get your own lives back on track.

     This was easier said than done, however. As for all the time you'd spent living with the guys you hadn't truly realized how integral Tord was as a part of the household. In fact, all of your caregivers were—even Ringo. So, there was no doubt in your mind that if any one of them were to up and leave, out of the blue, you would miss them terribly. It sure was a good thing that hadn't happened then.

     Oh, wait.

     That's exactly what the Norsk had done and now, you were feeling the effects of it.

     Not one day passed in its entirety that you didn't wonder about where he was and, in all honesty, a part of you even believed that he wasn't gone. That he was somehow still around. As ridiculous as it was to even believe. I mean, you had solid proof that he wasn't there. For instance, there was the note he'd left you, the one he'd given you before you'd left for Norway, the disappearance of the boxes stored under his bed—along with all of his inventions—the photo he kept of everyone was gone, unsurprisingly his magazines and posters had even gone missing, but most important of all, his constant presence was noticeably absent.

     With all of this evidence piled up against it, why on Earth would you think that Tord could ever not be gone?

     You didn't know.

     Though, what you did know was that there was always this constant flame within yourself that today could be the day that the Norwegian came back.

     Why not talk about any of this in counseling, you ask?

     Pfft. Who needed it? Certainly not you with everything going on.

     Besides, you were tired, nervous, confused, and just wanted to be alone.

     So, what started as you simply lazing around the house and going to and from school, turned into you shutting yourself up in your bedroom and not coming out except for school, dinner, and whenever you had to use the bathroom.

     You even, gradually, turned down your caregivers' requests for things you could do. Whether that included getting back into the swing of things by hanging around with Matt and having him show you his novelty toy collection or messing around with your hair, fiddling with your own bass with Tom, drawing with Edd, playing with Ringo, or speaking with the neighbors, you didn't want to do any of it.

     Things grew to become a constant loop of nerves, questions, and the beating of yourself over the head.


     On one hand, you felt terrible for putting your caregivers through another situation like this and for not doing anything all the time, but on the other hand, you couldn't bear the thought of coming home from school, realizing that Tord wasn't back yet, and then wading in that knowledge for who knows how long.

     If he came back.

     But, he was definitely going to, right?


     His note had said so and the Norsk had no reason to lie to you, right?


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