23.) Brave Soldier

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   (A/N: Hello there readers! I apologize for my absence in posting a chapter last week, however, my schedule was a bit crowded and I ended up postponing some things. Don't worry though, I have no plans on not finishing this story and the next chapter should be out as usual. I'm hoping in the next week and a half or so just to catch up with the current update schedule. Also, I might as well mention that I'll be editing some grammar errors in the chapters here or there for the next few weeks as well, so just be aware of that. Either way, that's all for now, happy reading!)

     Sunlight filtered through your bedroom window, bouncing off of your belongings and casting long shadows across the floor. Ringo was wrapped lazily around your head, twitching here and there as she slept. For the past few hours, her tail had gotten dangerously close to your face, but otherwise, stayed far enough away so that there were no problems. However, in a sudden flick, the tail brushed across your nose, tickling it. Slowly, you blinked open your eyes, staring up at the bedroom's ceiling. When you finally managed to push yourself into a sitting position, you expected to see an empty bedroom or perhaps, the faces of each of your caregivers.

     Nevertheless, you were greeted by the hazy figure of a bright red hoodie. Tord's own face was peering at you in, almost, expectant waiting. To say the least, you nearly fell out of your bed in shock at the sight of the Norwegian. In fact, the sudden movement shifted Ringo and the cat let out a surprised meow, leaping towards the end of the bed. All you could do was watch as the Norsk began to pet the cat, flashing you an offhanded, toothy grin.

     "God morgen, (Y/N). Sorry to startle you, but I just thought I'd make sure you were okay. Especially after everyone headed off to bed. Or, well, after a little insisting that they should," he replied, pulling the cat into his arms. Translation: (Good morning, (Y/N))

     A confused look lined your face as your caregiver carried on with petting Ringo, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world to have been woken up the way you'd just been.

     "Tord...what exactly is going on?" you began, pulling your blanket up around your shoulders.

     The Norwegian set the cat down on the floor, his eyes shifting as he quickly glanced at you.

     Letting out a chuckle he answered, rambling, "It's Thursday today, obviously, and we usually practice dialects for much of the day. Or, carry on with homeschooling and all that. Nonetheless, I, instead, decided that we could show you how to use a gun. Mostly to protect yourself, of course."

     You mentally facepalmed. Of course. Tord had mentioned it just last night and each of your caregivers had made a bit of a fuss about it. How shaken up had you been that you'd, literally, blocked it out of your head?

     "We?" you questioned, watching as Ringo leaped back onto the bed.

     The cat's purrs echoed off of the bedroom walls and you held out a hand, carefully smoothing down her fur as she rubbed up against you.

     With a smile, the Norsk replied, "We, as in, Pat and Pau, perhaps."

     "What about Edd, Matt, and Tom?"

     Tord waved off your concern, calmly trying to change the subject, "Ah, don't worry about them, min skatt. If we go now, we could probably be back before they even miss us." Translation: (Ah, don't worry about them, my treasure)

     With a raised eyebrow you continued, "You did tell them, didn't you?"

     Tord paused, giving you a small shrug, "Ehhhhh. More or less, but fear not! I'll take care of everything. Anyway, since it seems like you're pretty much awake by now, ready for another adventure, (Y/N)?"

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