12.) The Cookie Sale

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(Two Weeks Later):

     Two weeks had passed since you had been living with the boys and things had been going smoothly. Everyday was a new challenge for you as you still tried your best to work on your anxieties and on sorting out your feelings about your parents. In total, two weeks had passed since they had left you at the mall and you felt like your hope was starting dwindle on them coming back to you. Sure, it had only been two weeks, fourteen days, but that was still a long time in your eyes. Much longer than they had ever left you before, in fact. You had been starting to get used to everything in the house however, including its inhabitants. 

     It may sound crazy, but for only the two full weeks you've spent with everyone, you've connected with them. Nonetheless, a few other things had to be sorted out upon your arrival. Including, the fact that there was still a hospital bill that had to be paid for. Though Edd always managed to pay for everything everyone needed, it seemed like he was struggling to scrape together enough cash to pay the bill off. You felt guilty about it, even if Edd continued to assure you that you didn't need to be. In fact, you'd been feeling guilty a lot lately. Mostly, because of Tom. 

     You'd still been having your nightmares and crazed thinking about studying and chores every night. Despite that, Tom was always there for you. Hugging you, speaking with you, and soothing your mind, but you saw that it was taking a toll on his health. He would sleep much later into the day and the normal bags under his "eyes" got darker in color. He also seemed to have lost much of his fight, cutting back on making rude comments and gestures at Tord. You pleaded with him to go back to bed, sometimes. 

      However, he always refused. At times you weren't sure why he stayed up with you, but at other times, you felt as if he was trying to prevent something. One of your theories was that it related to his own childhood and what he experienced after his father died. You yearned to help Tom, but that required you being able to deal with your own dreams and habits. Which seemed impossible, but you would start trying. You would make a plan to help both Edd and Tom and would show them just how thankful you were for them. So, you jumped into action early Monday morning, pacing around your room and mumbling quietly to yourself, careful not to wake Tom. 

     As he had once again, fallen asleep in your bedroom after staying up the night before trying to comfort you. Unfortunately, while you didn't come up with a plan to help him, you did know what to do to help pay for your own hospital bill. Even though it was a long shot, you had decided you would host a bake sale. A cookie bake sale, in the front yard, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to do anything if Edd was here, watching you. After spending time with him for two weeks, you knew that he wouldn't want you doing any of what you planned to do. As, like he said, he didn't want you to feel guilty at all. 

     You would need some help, anyway. Even though you knew a lot of recipes, including the one for cookies, your parents never let you cook or bake in the house. So, you would have to get some help from someone other than Edd and, preferably, Tom. Maybe, you could do the sale on the day Edd went out shopping again. Which, to your own luck, would hopefully be today. As Edd usually always went out shopping every so often on either Mondays or Tuesdays, preferring to get everything done at the start of the week. You were excited to execute your plan, but also nervous as you weren't sure if Tord, excluding Tom, and Matt would agree to help you or not. 

     Either way, you decided that you would at least give your plan a shot as you really wanted to help Edd. So, as soon as you figured everything out you left your bedroom, careful to "tuck-in" Tom, and set down on the couch. You clicked your tongue a few times, calling Ringo and waited patiently, stroking him, for the house to start bursting with life. Of course, it took some time, but soon enough Matt, followed by Tord, and then Edd made their way downstairs. Where Edd had taken it upon himself to begin breakfast for everyone. Though, it wasn't long before Tom woke up too, drawn by the smell. 

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