18.) Susan

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     (A/N: As you all know, the "anniversary" of Edd's passing is coming up within the next few days, at the time of this chapter being published at least, and that means that it'll be Edd's Day. I had thought about releasing this chapter on March 25th however, I decided against it. Preferring to instead commemorate this chapter in his memory. This chapter will never truly be enough to remember or even really honor Edd of course, but I hope that it's still a worthy contribution, nonetheless. So, wherever and whatever Edd is doing out there in the universe, hopefully he's having a swell time)

     (Edd's P.O.V):

     Edd pushed his foot on the gas pedal of the car, keeping it moving steadily on the road. The rain pattered onto the windshield and the wipers were working overtime as they tried sweeping it off; keeping his sight on the road clear. The old woman that he had found in the phonebook had turned out to be completely unrelated to (Y/N) and so, they were sent straight back to square one. In exactly the same place as where they had started that morning off.

     Edd let out a sigh. It seemed as if the rain itself was mocking them.

     He gripped his hands on the steering wheel, trying his best to start up a conversation with his two roommates, "You know, I really thought we were getting somewhere today."

     Tom shifted in his seat next to Edd and he turned his head to look out at the rain, "We all did, Edd."

     Tord slightly nodded his own agreement from the back of the car, his "horns" shaking with the movement of the action. Although, he seemed disconnected, absent-mindedly twiddling around with some sort of red pin, carefully looping some wires throughout its structure.

     "Where do you think they went?" Edd replied, throwing the question out to his two friends, waiting for their responses.

     Of course, he was already expecting some of their obvious answers.

     Tom turned, looking at Edd, clear sarcasm dancing on his face, "Where who went, Edd?"

     Edd rolled his eyes, "Their parents, Tom. Where do you think (Y/N)'s parents went? Out of all the places, why did they just abandon them in the mall?"

     Tom shook his head, slumping down into his seat, "I don't know, Edd. If we knew that, we'd have taken them back already. Right?"

     There seemed to be a hint of defiance in Tom's voice. Although, defiance could have just as easily been mixed up with Tom's own sense of sarcasm.

     Tord coughed and butted into the conversation before Edd could answer Tom, holding the pin flat on his palm, "Would we really have wanted to bring (Y/N) back to whatever they were forced to deal with while growing up, Edd?"

     The green-hooded man paused, thoughtful. They were both good questions. Or, well one of them was a question anyway. After finding out about everything that (Y/N) had dealt with growing up, was it really a good idea to bring them back to that type of situation? Even if the people they were bringing (Y/N) back to were their own parents, nonetheless? Surely every kid needed their own parents.

     Edd thought about Tord and what he had, had to deal with when living with his own foster parents. Did that same logic apply when a child's parents weren't good role models?

     "Every child needs their parents don't they, Tord?" Edd answered, glancing at the Norsk from his mirror.

     "Of course, but who said that a child's parents had to be their biological parents?" The Norwegian countered, his own past memories faintly twinkling behind his ever-calculating eyes.

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