7.) Being there for you

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     (After the movie):

     When the movie finally concluded, it'd been well over an hour since you'd left Tord and Tom back at home. Edd had even received a text from Tom during the movie that he'd waited to answer until afterward. Anyhow, you couldn't say that the movie was all that phenomenal, because it really wasn't, but you could say that you were happy to have spent some time with Matt and Edd. You'd really gotten to know a lot about each of them today; more than what you'd learned when you were in the hospital. Although, most of what you garnered was on the drive home from the cinema.

     You all played a "game" where you each shared some things about yourself with the rest of the group.

     Though, it really wasn't a game in your eyes, even though Edd promised that it was, and it seemed like more of a way to just get to know each other. Overall, you found out a lot about Edd including that he has a knack for drawing, really loves his cola (almost to an obsessive level), and owns a feline named Ringo, surprisingly. Matt on the other hand, absolutely adores his own mirrors, truly loves himself above many of his worldly possessions, and said he never actually used to wear a purple hoodie. That was, until he received it as a gift from Santa Clause himself for having helped save Christmas. Huh.

     Who knew?

     You were somewhat reluctant to share too much about yourself, but you did manage to tell Matt and Edd that you know a few other foreign languages, but aren't quite as fluent in some of them, you've been homeschooled for as long as you can remember, and you used to have a cat at your old home. Unfortunately, your mother got rid of it after you spent "too much time" giving it attention. Dragging up memories about your past and sharing them wasn't particularly fun, though you felt like it helped you get to know your new "caregivers" better and them, you. You all arrived home just as the sun was starting to go down, and when you walked into the house, with Matt and Edd, all of the lights were turned off. You looked around, expecting to stumble across Tord or Tom, but they were nowhere to be seen. 

     In the dark, anyway. Edd flipped on a light and from the bottom of the stairs, you saw the hunched figure of Tom lying against his door "sleeping."

     "If Tom is sleeping, then where's Tord?" your mind commented on the situation.

     Edd quietly, took a seat on the sofa and he signaled for you and Matt to do the same.

     "We're home, guys!" Edd called out.

     You expected Tom to pop up and, at least, acknowledge you all, but he still seemed to be sound asleep. You gazed at Edd, confused, but he just winked at you and put a finger to his mouth. As you turned to Matt, the ginger seemed to be holding in some sort of giggle. Just then, you heard a door creak open, and saw Tord's face peering out of the crack in the door. The Norsk looked down at Tom and he gently tried to jostle the door without waking him.

     Tord managed to pull the door halfway open and was stepping through it, Tom's flask in hand, when an arm reached out and grabbed his leg, causing him to tumble to the floor.

     He rubbed at his ankle, surprised, but when he saw Tom awake and glaring furiously at him, all he mumbled out was, "Dritt." Translation: (Shit)

     You had to hold in your outburst of laughter at the Norwegian's reaction. Matt and Edd both looked semi-ready to burst out into laughter as well, but most likely not for the curse word that you'd heard Tord mumble. You watched as Tord desperately tried scrambling away from Tom, but the blue-hooded man was quicker and he managed to grab his hoodie.

     Tom was practically growling, "Oh, no you don't, commie."

     The man grabbed the flask from the Norsk and stomped off back into his room.

     Tord bounced onto his feet and looked down at you, smirking before he quickly ran into his room, "Velkommen hjem, (Y/N). I'll see you again soon." Translation: (Welcome home, (Y/N))

     You whispered under your breath, "Takk skal du ha, Tord." Translation: (Thank you, Tord)

     By now, Matt had burst out into a fit of giggles, which were pretty contagious.

     Soon, you and Edd were both chuckling along with Matt.

     That is, until Tom stormed out of his bedroom, "What the hell, Tord! There's fucking hentai everywhere!"

     Matt let out an almost dramatic gasp, frowning, as Edd looked at him and shouted, "Language, Tom!"

     Tom rolled his "eyes." You couldn't really blame him either. You were sort of used to hearing swearing in your own home, even if you weren't necessarily allowed to take part in it.

     The man looked at Edd and Matt, grumbling, "You'd be swearing too if he," Tom pointed an accusatory finger at Tord's closed door, "had drawn hentai all over your bedroom walls!"

    The void-eyed man was about to take a drink out of his flask when he noticed something on it and dropped it to the floor. Obviously, Tord had drawn something on there as well.

     Tom, seething, was ready to start ranting all over again, but instead he just hissed, "Fuck you too, Tord."

     The blue-hooded man headed back into his bedroom and slammed the door shut, not even bothering to pick up his flask. You looked over at Edd and Matt who were now silent, the mood having been killed by Tom's yelling.

     Matt yawned and stretched out his arms, but his expression suddenly drooped, "Aw, I didn't get to show you my novelty toy collection."

     You gazed at him and couldn't help but feel the same way, "That's fine, Matt. I'll just look at it tomorrow or something."

     This seemed to cheer Matt up somewhat and he hugged you, more or less, on his way up to his bedroom. Before he entered, he turned around and grinned, his own signature goofy look plastered onto his lips. Then, he shut his door.

     Edd stared at you, a tense expression shining on his face, "Crap, we don't have a proper room or bed for you to sleep in!"

     Abruptly, you shook your head, they had already done so much for you. Besides, who were you to care where you slept for a night or two.

     "You've already done so much, Edd. It kind of doesn't matter where I sleep at this point."

     The brunet blew out a puff of air he seemed to be holding in, practically ignoring your comment, "I hate to be such a terrible host, but you might have to sleep on the sofa for now. Tomorrow, I'll try and figure out what we can do for sleeping arrangements and getting you some more clothes to wear; along with your essentials."

     You felt your face grow hot, "Edd, no, you really don't have to do that. I'm probably not even going to be here for that long."

     Edd, this time, shook his head, "Absolutely not, it doesn't matter how long you stay here. Heck, even if you were going to stay for a day I would try and make things more comfortable for you, (Y/N).

     When he noticed that you still looked unconvinced, he continued, "Let me at least try and make things better than they were before in your old home. It's the least that I can do."

     (This is the link that can be used to find the drawing/this drawing drawn by Dome Sonkus really appeals very well with the whole Eddsworld "world," per say. I hope it's not just me, but it kind of looks very similar to the original character designs, which is not at all a bad thing! It just makes the image seem more official in a way. From its cartoonish appearance, which is something that is amazing to see experimented with, and "reflection" (Eh, "see" what I did there) of Matt, particularly of his narcissistic tendencies, it meshes together everything very well and creates an amazing image)

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