19.) Your past is not tom-orrow

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     (A/N: So, after rereading some chapters, its come to my attention that I've kinda messed up the layout of the house in this story. This is a mistake on my part, but I will still be keeping the layout for the remainder of this story. This is mostly to avoid story-building issues, but if I get a chance to, I may decide to rewrite some scenes based on this fact. On another note, counseling was quite a challenge to write about! Hopefully, I managed to portray it pretty well, however)

     Counseling. Your "caregivers" had been planning on having you attend a session for a while now, but they hadn't gotten around to getting the paperwork only about a week ago. Since then, you'd been thinking about a lot of things. Mostly because you were going to a counselor of course, but that's what they were for, right? To help you get things off your mind? The occasional thought would often pass by about your schooling, what you would draw in your own notebook next, or even when you would be able to truly start practicing the bass with Tom.

     Although, you found yourself thinking about your parents too. It had been so long since you'd last seen them, but you weren't really thinking about finding them. Instead, you were searching your head for any answers you could find about their actions. Surprisingly, you found yourself thanking them? After all, they had taught you Norwegian and a host of other languages...along with the remainder of topics they had taught you, but that didn't excuse everything wrong they had done. At least, you thought it didn't. Ack.

     Sometimes, thinking about things just led to you driving yourself mad. At the end of the day, even though you weren't sure about it, maybe counseling could help you. Of course, the paperwork had to be filled out first and there had been some ups and downs to signing you up for a few sessions. Including the fact that there were a lot of places your "caregivers" could have taken you to and with each destination, the amount of paperwork required varied. That being said, there was a lot of paperwork to fill out and with that much paperwork, one has to be on the lookout for making sure that it's actually the correct documents. Your "caregivers" had found that out the hard way when they had mistakenly received a questionnaire that was completely unrelated to your own situation.

     Tom, Tord, and yourself had been sitting down at the kitchen table, all quietly working away. Tord had swapped out his own work on his few inventions, instead beginning the process of writing a few papers, you had been doodling in your notebook, and Tom had been filling out some of your paperwork. All while Matt and Edd, and even Ringo, had been sitting in the living room setting up the television for a movie marathon. However, halfway through filling out the papers, Tom had started to raise an eyebrow. Quite literally, in fact. You were finishing your small doodles, listening to the rustle of paper as Tom flipped through the questionnaire, asking you the occasional question, when a silence had descended on the room.

     You turned your head to look at him and the blue-hooded man had his eyebrow raised, commenting, "Sexual Orientation?"

     There was a coughing wheeze from Tord as he looked up at Tom. A look that said, "What the hell?" was plastered clearly on his face.

     Tom continued, flipping through more of the questions, a tiny laugh forming in his throat, "Marital Status?"

     Tord held out a hand, disbelieving, and the black-eyed man tossed him the papers. He watched as the Norwegian let out a chuckle, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, flipping through the rest of the papers.

     "You sure you got the right paperwork, Edd?" Tom called to his roommate from the kitchen.

     Edd popped his head in from the living room, a cola can held in his hand, and he reached for the questionnaire stuck firmly in Tord's hands, "I'm sure I did. This is what the woman at the office gave Matt and I."

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