9.) Talking with Tord

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     It was the least you could do, especially since he had stayed with you all night talking instead of working on getting whatever dirty images Tord had drawn on his walls. 

     Even if it was wrong, you couldn't help but smile at the childish "prank" the two had played. Ringo leaped back onto your lap and let you continue to pet her. It was like this for a long time, until you heard a door creak open from above.

     You listened to the noise and instead of turning, decided to speak a word in Norwegian, just to test if you were correct about who it was, "Hallo." Translation: (Hello)

    The footsteps traveling down the stairs continued and there was a response from a thick accent, "Hei, god morgen." Translation: (Hi, good morning)

     You turned and saw Tord, standing at the bottom of the stairs, already dressed for the day in his same red hoodie. The Norsk saw you and then turned, looking at Tom who was covered in the blanket.

     He let his mouth contort into a devilish smirk.

     "I'll be right back, (Y/N), just need to grab my phone."

     With that, Tord quietly made his way back up the steps and into his bedroom, grabbing his phone before shutting his door, once again. 

     He came back down to the living room, angling his phone to snap a photo of Tom. Tord snickered to himself as he saved the photo, probably for blackmail, and sat in the armchair next to the sofa. You continued to pet Ringo, speaking to Tord, who had crossed his legs and was now trying to straighten out some of his messy hair. Particularly, in the front.

     "So, what's the deal with Jehovah over there? He get tired of looking at everything on those walls?" he asked simply, slightly grinning.

     You paused for a second, unsure if you should answer truthfully or not. 

     You decided on speaking the truth, because you never knew, a lie could always come back around to bite you.

     "I just had a nightmare last night. Tom heard me, so he came out here and we talked over things for a while. Until, we both fell asleep that is."

     Tord nodded, still fixing his "horns," "Must have been a pretty bad nightmare if Thomas here heard you. I'm fairly surprised I didn't hear anything."

     "Why's that?" you questioned Tord, who appeared to have finished styling his hair.

     "Ah, I usually am up pretty late into the night reading," he commented.

     If he was trying to hide what he was reading about, he did a poor job. 

     As you could assume, most definitely, what it was.

     "(Y/N), I've been meaning to ask you, do you speak other languages besides Norwegian?" Tord asked, going a bit off topic.

     Ringo moved to climb onto Tord's lap, causing him to start petting her out of habit.

     You glanced the Norsk and nodded, "I've dabbled in a few other languages. Spanish, Russian, German, Norwegian, as you know; a little Chinese, along with some others. Though, I have a difficult time remembering all the terms for everything. Surprisingly, Norwegian is actually one of my better remembered languages, other than English that is. It just has a certain charm to it that I can't seem to explain. That's what makes it so much fun to speak, I guess."

     "Hm, I couldn't explain it better myself. Especially since I grew up in Norway, before moving here. Obviously, you can tell because of my accent, which makes fitting in hard sometimes, but who am I to complain," Tord replied to your own answer before he stood up, causing Ringo to jump back onto your lap.

     The Norwegian swept off the cat hair from his hoodie, heading back to his bedroom, "I'll be back in a bit, (Y/N); still have to make a jab at Tom, anyway."

     The red-hooded man stepped through his doorway, locking it. 

     You continued petting Ringo, as you had nothing else to do, and thought about the feelings swirling around in your head. Tord made it easy for you to sympathize with him, but you contemplated what Tom had told you. Telling you to watch out for him. You wanted to believe Tom since it genuinely seemed like he wanted the best for you, but at the same time, Tord was at least kind enough to speak to you at all, even playing along and speaking Norwegian. You shook your head, you didn't want to worry about something like this today.

     Of course, the conflicting thoughts wouldn't go away and they, like the thoughts you still had about your parents, lingered in the back of your mind. 

     It wasn't long before both Matt and Edd woke and as they came down the stairs, paused while looking at Tom. Just as Tord had done. You described what had happened and they understood, respecting your boundaries. Though, the brunet looked concerned for some time, before he decided to make everyone something for breakfast. As he said, Tord came back downstairs, obviously deciding to get his jab in at Tom while he was still sleeping, nonetheless. 

     It was truly chaos once Tom woke up, tired from the night before and angry at Tord for taking a photo of him. 

     Not to mention, he was still angry about the Norsk drawing all over his walls. Breakfast was good either way and you felt thankful, even amidst all of the disarray, that you were somewhere where people seemed to care about you. Later, after everything was cleaned up and the guys had decided to watch a movie on the television before leaving to go shopping, you'd walked into the kitchen and found Tom. He was still in his nightclothes, but had his blue hoodie pulled over top of them, drinking out of a new flask, it seemed like. 

     You looked at him and kindly spoke, "Thanks for last tonight, Tom. It really helped to have someone to talk to like that."

     He took a sip out of his flask, waving off your thanks, "It will be better someday, (Y/N). Eventually, things will sort themselves out."

     You tried your best to smile at him, "I hope."

     Tom walked past you, ruffling your hair, before heading back to his bedroom to finish cleaning off his walls.

     (There is currently no link for the following artwork available/I haven't been able to find the artist of this fabulous image, the only thing that I've been able to find out is that the artist had their art featured in the cute, clip art section on Tumblr. Nonetheless, I would like to mention some of the things that I liked about this image. For example, I like the take on Tord's hair and how his "horns" appear more to the side rather than in the very front. I also really love the coloring on this image as it was one of the first things that stuck out to me when I saw it. The coloring gives off this sunset feeling and makes the whole image really unique. Plus, I wanted to mention how much I love the way Tord's pants look baggy at the bottoms, it really makes the drawing feel a little bit more realistic, in a way)

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