27.) Norway's Calling (Part One)

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     (A/N: So, I'm fairly certain that the "timeline" for when this story takes place is pretty messed up at this point, but there doesn't seem to be a definitive way that I'm able to fix it. In other words, I apologize for this fact, however, on another note, these next two chapters are going to go into detail a bit on Norway. I'll be doing my best to get everything as accurate as I possibly can, but feel free to point out any mistakes you may have found. It definitely helps me out! Also, just thought I'd mention the fact that whether you've been on a plane before or not, in this story/fanfiction, has been kept under wraps. Just so that things are able to be as inclusive as possible. Anyway, happy reading!)

     Following the fiasco on Christmas Eve, you had to say that your Christmas had been relatively normal. Though, this didn't include the stunt Tom had pulled, naturally. As it turned out, people don't really appreciate when you burn down their Christmas trees. Surprisingly. Needle-ss to say, other than that, nothing else truly came to fruition for the rest of the holiday season, and you all ended up celebrating New Year's Day as normal.

     Which, lead to you eventually starting back up in school.

     It would occasionally snow on and off throughout January and, of course, that meant going out and frolicking around in the cold. However, as you faced February head-on, the snow finally started to melt just a bit. Doubtless, it was still wintry outside, but that was normal. What wasn't normal was the way Tord had been acting. The Norsk had always spent quite a long time in his bedroom, doing a number of questionable things that nobody really needed the details on.

     That was typical and it wasn't at all shocking.

     Especially since, over the four years you'd been living with everyone, the Norwegian tended to go off on his own. Albeit, it was different this time and it'd started almost right after the holidays. Now, while your caregiver still spent time up in his room, he would mysteriously show up around the house from who knows where. Maybe he tended to head out with Pat and Pau. Or, maybe he was doing something more...morally questionable.

     It wasn't like you wouldn't put it past him, mainly after all that you'd discovered.

     Anyway, on one particular afternoon, not too long ago, you'd found yourself outside with Edd, Matt, and Tom. With the exclusion of Tord, who had, had to leave on a last minute excursion for "work." What that had to do with Pat and Pau you didn't know, and tried not to question. Since it was a school night, you'd planned to mostly stay inside, because it was still cold out. For the most part.

     You had wanted to laze around with Ringo or one of your caregivers perhaps, but your idea was changed nearly in seconds.

     In favor of one that could only be described as snow laughing matter. What started as a chilling venture with your caregivers, turned into something involving a lot of snowmen, one snogre, and more puns than should have been possible. In the end, you'd all headed back inside with a lot more than any of you'd bargained for and a few questions. Scratch that, more than a few questions. That was all pushed aside though as, not too long after, Tord had arrived back home looking terribly battered.

     His face and arms had been fairly bruised, with small burns scattered along his skin.

     He'd tried his best to cover everything up, but it was kind of hard to not notice. More so when he hung around outside of his bedroom, adding his own casual remarks to whatever conversation you might have been having at that point. Whenever anyone asked him about what had happened, the red-hooded man played it off as having just had an accident while at work. Which, seemed reasonable, but you couldn't help the smidge of doubt that bubbled up inside of your chest. Was he lying and if he truly was, why would he need to?

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