20.) A Few Edd-ventful Weeks

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     (A/N: Bit of a longer chapter this time around, mostly because of the switching scenes scattered throughout the writing, but I hope it turned out okay, anyway)

     It was safe to say that the following weeks after your first trip to counseling had been much better. Following the counselor's advice, you and your "caregivers" had arranged a type of schedule for an assortment of things you could do. Each day, one of your "caregivers" would spend a majority of the day doing some sort of activity with you, while you used the time to help keep your mind off of things. This was mostly to allow for you to not be overwhelmed and you had to admit that it worked, for the most part. Although, the first week was definitely the most interesting, as you all were getting used to things. Though, what better way to start new things out than with Matt, himself.


     Your Monday with Matt started out as any other day normally would, with Edd, Tom, Tord, and even Ringo, all joining you in the kitchen for breakfast as you chatted, or meowed in Ringo's case, with one another. Bantering with each other like a family of sorts, even if that family was quite strange. After breakfast was finished, your day only truly began when the rest of your "caregivers," excluding Edd as he headed out to do some shopping, headed up to their rooms to give you some time with Matt. You remembered Matt having scooped you up into his arms, helping you onto his shoulder as he carried you up to his bedroom. When you finally saw everything, after the ginger flew open his door, shutting it carefully behind himself, you had to admit that it was...a mess, to say the least. Piles of items filled the living space, along with one of Tord's bubbles, and you cringed slightly, watching as Matt struggled to get to his own bed.

     It took a bit of effort, but once the man managed to eventually wade through the scattered bananas, boxes, and wide variety of other items, he set you down on his bed. Before, suddenly, sticking the front half of his body into one of the piles.

     You sat back in surprise, chortling, "Matt?!"

     The ginger appeared to be searching for something and once he found it, quickly pulled his body out from the pile, combing his fingers through his hair as he made sure it was still set in its normal, frilled self.

     "I've got it!" He answered, grinning from ear to ear as he held up a container of hair gel.

     "What's that for?" You commented, unsure what else to ask, other than, well, the obvious.

     Matt let out a small laugh, "For your hair, of course! While I have you for today, I thought you might like me to style your hair, (Y/N)," he paused abruptly, before replying, "that is okay with you, right?"

     You slowly nodded your head, thinking back on all the other times Matt had messed around with your hair. You hadn't really minded it then and, honestly, you were a little curious about what else Matt might be able to do.

     At your response, Matt flashed you a bright smile and took a seat on his bed, crossing his legs. Pulling up the sleeves on his overcoat and hoodie, he unscrewed the cap on the hair gel and with one hand, motioned for you to take a seat in front of him.

     The ginger gently combed through your hair with his fingers, before taking some of the gel out from the opened container.

     "Now, this part might feel a little cold, (Y/N)," Matt spoke, as he slathered the gel onto your hair in a quick motion.

     You shivered, feeling the gel make contact with your head and you heard Matt quietly chuckle at your reaction.

     For a few long minutes, you stared at what appeared to be Matt's closed bedroom door, though you couldn't be sure because of the piled up items, waiting as he quietly spaced out the indents between each swoop and point in the hairstyle. It took awhile, but he eventually pulled out his purple mirror, handing it to you. You couldn't help but notice the smile that seemed to be glowing on his face. Staring into the glass, you saw a seemingly "mini Matt" staring back at you.

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