25.) They do love you, in a way

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     (A/N: As of the four year timeskip, I thought I should mention that you're about fourteen, almost, going on fifteen; let's see if I can pull this off. Also, I wanted to quickly address the fact that Tord does end up staying with everyone rather than leaving. Anyways, happy reading!)

     (Four Years Later):

     Four years isn't exactly what you would call the longest period of time. Yet, it also isn't the shortest. So, how is it possible to vividly describe the passage of many years in a few paragraphs? Well, in short, you can't. Nothing could truly live up to watching everything play out on its own.

     However, you can always use summarization. Of which, it's best to start at the beginning.

     Four years ago, the home study you'd all been preparing for turned out to be an absolute success. Though, it did take a while for things to be checked through. Furthermore, even after so long, you still couldn't quite figure out what Tord had ever done to get past the background checks. Maybe the Norwegian had arranged something with Pat and Pau. Maybe he'd figured out something on his own.

     Or, maybe it was a combination of both.

     Either way, it most definitely involved doing something illegal, which was probably better kept swept under the rug. Assuming the "abnormal" type of background the Norsk could have had at the time. Speaking of Pat and Pau, overall, you really hadn't seen much of either of them. While Tord did have you visit his two friends every so often, it never seemed for all that long and you really never had shaken that strange realization you'd found out about the partners and the Norwegian, to an extent. What you'd discovered didn't necessarily change your dynamic with any of them, but more than anything, it just put you on edge.

     Enough so that you were sometimes wary around all three of them, just waiting to, unfortunately, add another piece of evidence to your already growing stockpile.

     In fact, involving Tord, you sometimes found yourself peeking under the Norsk's bed and around his room, but to no avail. Not once did you ever find any of Tord's old Norwegian relics or inventions. Almost, as if he had moved things around or gotten rid of them entirely. Still, everything that had been going on with Tord only solidified the fact that things were changing. This was further made crystal clear by Tom and his drinking habits.

     The man had, after the home study, somewhat given up his drinking.

     For the most part. A better way to phrase it would be that while he did tend to drink, he was doing it in moderation. It's also worth mentioning that, in other news, you'd decided to attend public (or state) school not too long ago. The gang, including Tom and Tord surprisingly, seemed fairly pleased at your proposition.

     "Look at you, min skatt! Making your own decisions," Tord proclaimed, looking taken aback, as he nudged your shoulder. Translation: (Look at you, my treasure!)

     "Pretty "adult" of you, kiddo," Tom replied, ruffling your hair. "Don't let that get to your head though, or else we'll have to grow up some more to catch up with you."

     The whole ordeal happened just when you'd turned thirteen and things were about as good as they could get. For being in school, of course. Friends weren't the worst issue for you and you tended to spend much of your time with your caregivers and neighbors anyway. Of the latter, you were fairly close with by this point. At least, you thought so, though you would have assumed you'd felt fine to talk to them about anything then.

     Such as everything involving Tord, but no dice, sadly. Either way, the gang encouraged you to branch out.

     As nerve wracking as that was. Honestly, the last four years had all been somewhat nerve wracking, although mainly because you were constantly on edge; waiting to see if either of your biological parents would show up. This wasn't helped by the fact that Edd had even kept his promise and was still searching for them to the best of his ability. Being nervous about things was natural, of course, but sometimes you managed to bump things up a notch; just like you did when you were younger. Anyway, things were getting easier and as you got older, you worked on calming yourself down.

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