His used bike

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Troyes POV:
No. I wasn't answering. I refused to answer. The phone kept ringing.

Awhile later,I walked to school and managed to be late. I put my head down walking in. The class has started 10 minutes ago. I hurried to my seat with my head in my arms. I put my head up for fresh air and let it fall into my arms again. After class the teacher called me next to her. A few students were still in the class talking. She asked why I was late and I gave her an answer. After I answered I heared " I can help with that" from a familiar voice. I turned around to first see Clouse shocked and confused at the same time, looking at (Who I later saw) Noah.
"No thanks" no thanks? Really? I sounded so scared. I should've said something more tough.

"That's such a nice offer from Noah, why not?" She turned to face me. My face turned red as I was at a loss for words.
"Uhh....because..." I didn't know what to say. Because I was scared of him and he hates me. I ran out the classroom hearing giggles behind me. People laughed at me. I frowned. Walking down the hallway I came across Maggie. Thank God.
"What's up buttercup?"
"Ew. Don't say that like, ever again" I joked.
"What're you up to?"
"You know, embarrassing myself here and there"
She giggled and walked me to our next class.
I walked in and sat next to her.
"So, who do you like?"
I've just realized that Maggie didn't know I was gay. I didn't want to embarrass her, and had to keep it normal, not awkward. God I feel like I was constantly coming out.
"No cute boys here" I lied, there were many. But all straight.
"Omg, your gay?"
I whispered to her "can you say it any louder? I don't think the teacher heard you"
"Sorry, I just got surprised. Actually no im not, I mean look at your nails! But honestly I knew it, you act pretty gay" I rolled my eyes.
"You have no idea how much I get that. Btw, you cant act gay"
"I just mean your bracelet and your nails and ur manners you know?"
I shrugged.

After school I was walking out and halfway to my house Noah's car pulled up. Omg not now. I walked faster and faster.
"Stop running away from me." he said out his window.
"Please go away" please? Really? I'm so dumb and I hate myself for it.
I heard him laugh which made me more angry.
"Stop laughing!" I didn't look at him and kept my eyes to the floor.
"I'm sorry, your just so adorable when your mad"
"Don't talk to me!" Still not looking at him, his car was still following me.
"come inside"
"Stop following me, it's embarrassing!"
"Then come inside."
"You wish"
"Just come on"

This went on for a few minutes, I even gave the silent treatment. I then saw him in front of me, he didn't see me yet. Kevin. I didn't want to go anywhere near him. I stopped walking and he stopped the car next to me. I had no choice now. I opened the door and sat in the backseat not saying a single word.
"What? Didn't want to fight anymore?"
God he's so cocky.
"Just drive" I said. He drove until he saw Kevin too and gave him the finger.

Kevin smiled.
"I know you can't help but talk to me you gayfuck, but go away. You and your boyfriend"

I guess he did see me. Shit. I was sure Noah knew I was gay.
"Shut the fuck up before I make you, shithead"
He laughed again "What? Scared of being exposed?"
"Don't make me get out of this car!" Noah threatened. Please don't. please don't.
"Hey Faggot, you know your boytoy here has kis-
I wanted to hear more. But Noah's fist had already reached Kevin's face by then

I looked away in disgust. I hated fights so much. They remind me of fights I've been in, more like when people fought me.

They fought as I hear the swings and groans. Police were called, I saw the cars parked and put them both in a car. They told me to get out and made me get in with them. I should've just walked home, I thought.

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