Holding his hand

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Noah's POV:
I was scared and nervous. I proceeded to tell Clouse about the situation and his parents being out.
"Bullshit. I see those hickeys all over Troye"
Troye looked REALLY scared of Clouse and hid under my blanket.
"Clouse, you're scaring him. Calm down"
I hadn't really noticed the hickeys till now.
"I knew something was up when you stopped hanging out with us and started hiding things and texting him instead"
"It just happened. It was never planned"
"Look, Noah. You know I love and support you.....No Homo. But I'm not mad about this, I'm mad that you didn't even bother telling me!"
Troye was still hidden under. I went over to him and sat by him helping him cool off. I took his hand and calmed him down.
"Its ok, he's not going to hurt you" I explained.
Clouse looked at me "seeing you like this is new to me. Your usually never nice and passionate like this. This is really weird"
"That's not important. Are you gonna tell Mike,Clay and Maya?"
"Why would I tell them? It's not my secret to tell"
I smiled "thanks" I told him.
"So...am I driving you two or..."
"Oh yeah!" I said shooting Troye a look telling him to get ready.

"Why are you driving him?" Maya pointed at Troye when she came to see us in Clouse's car.
"And why not?" Said Clouse
"Because, he's weird. And hes a nerd. He's a also a....faggot" she whispered
"Listen Maya....I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. I don't know what you have against Troye. I can't seem to find the problem."
"The problem is he likes guys"
"And? You like guys" I told her
"Yeah but that's different." She answered
"How?" Clouse questioned
She rolled her eyes took Clouse by the arm and went away.
"Thanks" Said Troye
I didn't want to show the public just yet. But I wanted to hug him so much. He was wearing a oversized blue jumper and black shorts with his usual beaten converse. Hair still in messy waves.
I smiled at him, "we should go to the mall later, get you some new shoes" I said walking to the senior hallway.
"You don't half to. These are fine"
"Yeah but not fine enough" I answer
"Okay we can"
"Anyway, listen. My phone's always in my hand. If you need anything or if anyone is bothering you, let me know, okay?"
At this point the hallway was basically empty because the bell rang a few minutes ago, so I did hug him and go. I got into class and as always got yelled at by the teachers. I sat where I usually sit, next to Clouse and he texted me,
C: so.....sense when?
Not that long ago, but depended on what your talking about..
C: I'm talking about you two being a thing
Last night, but we've been hanging out
B: if hanging out means getting hickeys, I've been doing it wrong ;)
Omg just leave us alone, u creep.lol
C: you guys had sex yet? ;)
No! None of ur business anyway
The teacher told me to stand up and read what we were talking about in front of the class. I just shrugged and read it. A few whispers about who I'm talking about were made after I was done.
The teacher told me to stop and sit down. Then said to put my phone away.

I looked to where Troye always sits but he wasn't there. I was getting worried, he didn't text me and he wasn't there. I raised my hand and asked to use the restroom. I got up and left to the closest bathroom and texted.

Where are you?
No responce....
No responce..
I checked another bathroom and there he was. Blood coming from his mouth out into the sink, his eyes purple and bruised and his phone smashed onto the floor. He was crying. My heart dropped to my stomach

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