Where did he disappear?

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Troyes POV:
I was worried. He was nowhere to be found. It was the next morning and my last day here. His mom came and took me to their house not daring to talk to me. Once we got home she took me to his room and closed the door behind herself.
"What did you do to my son?!" She said with a both sad and angry face
I was Really scared of her. I was a naturally jumpy person.
"I swear! I didn't do anything! You can't choose who you like! You think I wanted to like guys? No!"
"No. You do choose, just like I chose who to marry!"
"And look how that marriage worked out! Your getting a divorce and your son is god knows where"
"Who are you yelling at?!"
Then I stopped talking. I sat there. She yelled at me a couple more times.
"Look, if you don't want us to be together we won't be. I'll leave, hell, I'd even leave the school and the state but please make sure he's safe"
"Why do you care about him? Consider yourself dead to both me and him. He doesn't and will never like you. He likes girls"
Yeah....sure he does...
"I really like him-
"No, you don't! This can't be happening again! We can't have this again!"
"What do you mean?"
"So you don't know? See, he doesn't like you"
"How would I know if I know when I don't even know what your talking about!"
"It's about Kevin-
"I know. He told me"
"He did?!!? He said he would tell the closest people only!"
"I guess I'm the closest people...unlike you and your man who embarrassed and disappointed both me and him. Congrats on disappointing your only two kids! What did Emily do to deserve such shitty parents"
"Shut the fuck up! You have no idea how hard it is raising kids!"
"No. But I certainly wouldn't have my kids hating me while I yell at their date in their room, especially when I'm like..way older than them. Doesn't make me look mature" I looked at her up and down in disgust and left. Not knowing where I was going

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