God I missed you

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Noahs pov

I just stared at the house, blinking more than intended. I looked back at Sage who gave me a thumbs up and a smile. I smiled back. I signed to her that she can leave now. She nodded and left,driving off. With every step closer to his house I was panicking more. Finally, I reached his door. Too scared to knock and too pussy to leave. I finally knocked. No answer. Then again. I heard the  lock of the tall black door turn.

    I then remembered anyone could be behind this door. After the big black door swang open I saw a tall male figure in front of me, Sam. His eyes widened and he looked confused,

"Where in fuck were you? You know how worried we were-are? Especially the boy who loves you, you know...the one you ran off of."
"Its not.....its not like that. I love him too-
"Then what is it like? Huh? You disappear for a few days and appear at our doorstep? Leaving Troye the most worried I've seen him?"
"I didn't disappear. Let me explain!"
He finally moved away from blocking the door and let me in. I sat on his couch and explained everything. The more I got into it the more remorse he had on his face.

"Now....wheres Troye?"
"Crying. With Emily somewhere."
"Text him."
"You text him"
"Dude...do you have short term memory loss? They took my phone!"
He had an 'oh yeah' look on his face as he slid his phone out of his blue ripped jeans. He texted something on his phones as I saw his fingers dance over the keyboard.
"There. He'll be here soon. I told him there you're here"
"So I went from a devil to a surprise?"
"Yes" he nodded agreeing

Knock knock knock came from the front door as I jumped. I was too nervous. Sam opened the door and Troye walked in, noticing me. He didnt run to me...or hug me....or anything. He stood there staring. Later screaming;
he sounded on the verge of tears. He was wearing my hoodie. I wonder how he got it. He looked beautiful. Gorgeous, I wanted to fuck him. Here. Now. But I had some self control.
Sam tried to calm him down but he ran to me and started puching me in the stomach. It didnt hurt at all. He hit as hard as he can and Sam tried to move him but I let him do it. I told Sam to leave him be. I was more surprised that he was cussing...badly cussing rather than his reaction. While he kept punching my stomach (really lightly but he tried) I put my arms behind his back and pulling him into a tight hug. He kept crying...this time on my shoulder. I hugged him tighter and whisperes,
"You didnt leave my mind, you know"
He slightly smiled still crying.
"Not for a second. I missed you so much you have no idea. It's only been a couple days and I missed you" I told him. Reassuring him. He finally hugged back. I tilted his chin up to look at me
"You wanna know where I was?"
His eyes looked in mine mesmerizing me.
"Gay camp. Mom took me"
He looked at me and told me that he knew. That mom had told him and he was trying to get me out.
"Then why did you ask?"
"It was instinctional"

I nodded understanding.
"Come with me" I said
"In to your room"
"Hey, keep your questions for later"

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