Noah and his problem with his parents

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Still noah's POV:
This is why the worst thing that happened was them walking in;

A few months ago

"I mean, look at this" my mom pointed at the TV series showing a couple of both male.
"I know! This is absolutely disgusting" my father told her
"Why would they think it's ok?"
Now I know what your thinking, "Oh my god" it's their religion" but no. My parents were atheists, just like me. They didn't care if I throw myself on every girl in the world. And only get mad at me when I do something wrong is when I embarrass them.
"What's so bad about it?" Emily asked, confused with their reaction.
"Because, it's not human nature! A man should be with a women and a women should be with a man" mum informed her, trying to sound educated.
"Says who?" Emily asked again
"Emily, enough with defending these gay people. You don't wanna sound like you accept them"
"Why not?" I finally joined in
"Not you too" dad said.
"There is a reason to why they can't have kids" mum added, trying to prove a point that wasn't there.
"Actually, they can"
"They can always adopt"
"That doesn't count"
"Is it having kids?"
"I guess"
"Then it does, actually"
"Listen here, Noah. They are not real men. They can never call themselves men, because men don't do that. They are fags. And I hope to god, you never turn into one of the,neither you or Emily"
"You don't believe in God!"
"But if it comes to that, I sure as hell will agree with whatever god said no to fags"
My heart dropped and I felt offended. Though, I've never liked guys I thought it was a really ignorant thing to say. I didn't say anything back. I got up and left, I didn't wanna hear any more of their bullshit.
My sister left too, she came to my room.
"I don't know what came over them to say such horrible things."
"I know, right? And what makes someone a "fag" anyway? Liking the same gender? What's so bad about it? And would it really be the worst thing in the world?"
"God Noah, I didn't know you were so open-minded. Few years back you used to hate the idea of someone being with someone of the same sex"
"Yeah, well things change"
"Like...your sexuality?" She said
"No! Well...Yes. well....not mine but other people's"
She laughed, "Oh Noah Gray, you crack me up sometimes" she said leaving my room and shutting the door.
What was that? I wondered what the fuck is wrong with my parents? God I hate this hellhole. Except for Emily, she's really annoying but I love her to death.


"I should've known you weren't normal when you kept asking those stupid questions" mum said.
"Mum, please, not in front of him" I pointed at Troye.
"Why? Because you love him so much? Fuck the both of you. I didn't raise my son like this. I raised my son to be a man"
"I am a man!"
"No, your not" my dad joined, dad got awfully close.
"So what? Now you like guys? Since when did you get so delusional?" Dad said.
"Why would you do this to yourself?"
"Mum I didn't choose"
Dad pushed me down, I could have fought him easily but I didn't want to hurt him. I couldn't. He was my dad. He punched me and walked out the room saying something like
"And I never wanna see your faggot face again"
My own parents called me that? The people who raised me? My own dad punched me? This couldn't be, it just couldn't it wasnt true, someone,anyone tell me this isn't true.

"nous rentrons à la maison, alors faites vos valises. tu pars quelque part." Mom said
"non, je ne vais nulle part avec toi!"
She looked at me in disgust.
"End of fucking conversation" she said leaving to go where ever dad did.
I looked at Troye, he was crying silently. A look of weakness over his face.
I made him cry. It was my fault. Mine. I shouldn't have kissed him.
"I...uh....I have to go" I said rubbing the bruise my dad left on my cheek.
Troye only nodded, looking more scared of me than ever before.
Did he think I was going to take my anger out on....him? I couldn't. Never in a million years, no, not even then.
I left the room as my mom drove me back home where I was basically forced to pack my bags. I thought they were going to take me to my grandparents, I didn't mind. Or maybe a friends house, or.......wait.....where are we?
Oh no! Why mum and dad :(
Btw if your wondering, Noah and Emily are the only ones who say "mum" is because they're Australian :)
Everyone else is American. (Or in America)
What will happen to BBY Troye?
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