I'm in the middle of nowhere

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Noah's POV:
My mom took me to camp, gay conversion camp. She talked to the guy who owned it and he asked for permission to use some harsh punishments, she agreed happily. I've never cried on front of someone before but here I am like a little bitch crying. A lot of "fuck you" came from me to both of them.

He showed me where I'd stay, it was a room with lots more guys who were mortally afraid of the guy who's apparently named "sir" or at least that's what he told me. Everyone kept their eyes no higher than the floor at all times. He took me into this room and shut the door. The walls were an ugly cream color and the floor was really dirty, it was as big as an office and looked like one too. He sat in a black chair across a table he had as I sat down in a ugly silver one. He started,
"When did you find out about this horrible sin?"
"What horrible sin?"
"You know what I mean, never disrespect me"
"No, I don't know what your talking about" I shrugged
"Listen here, stop fucking disrespecting me before I beat the shit out of you and have you begging me for forgiveness"
"Is that a kink?" I laughed

He looked mad, he had the same face my father did when he found out.
He got up and tried to hit me but I took his hand before he can. He called for more guards and I couldn't take 5 of them. They got me. I ended up black and blue. My muscles hurt really bad.
He then took me into a room with other boys my age.
How do they not fuck eachother?

The officer pushed me in and locked the door. No one talked. There was about 10 of them just sitting on the floor looking at the floor, scared. I knew they've seen way more than me.
I was really hurt and layed down on the floor (mind you there were no mattresses or anything) and I later realized from the change in angle that most of them were black and blue too.
"Oh my god, what happened to guys?" I said actually worried.
"Are you guys okay?"
They clearly weren't, neither were they talking. I wasn't as hurt because I got in fights all the time and I got hurt a lot. They all looked small though, their body as small and delicate as......Troye.

Thoughts then flooded my brain, a million thoughts at a time.
Where is he? Is he okay? Will he need me? I need him! I NEED to see him! Who did that to him! What about his parents? Are they coming back?
None of these questions were answered.
The walls were covered in sharpie marks, marking the days. Like the ones in jail. This was like jail. They boys had white outfits, the same ones but they were so dirty you wouldn't know they were ever white. All their hairs had the same haircut. The walls were very dirty too, it smelled like cigarettes and rotten food. It probably was cigarettes and rotten food.
"Look at me!" I almost yelled at them.

They kept their eyes glued to the floor, silence.
I took my hand and lifted one of the boys face to meet mine, he was so weak his head lifted. He stared at me with pain and hurt in his eyes, so much so that it wasn't a matter of they didn't want to talk or look up. They couldn't.
I didn't know how to feel, I had mixed emotions. I hated the people who would do this to teenagers.

Fuck them. Fuck this place. Fuck their sexuality. Fuck the world. Fuck everything.

There was no window, this was worse than jail. I lifted another boys face to see the same hurt in his eyes, a little more as this one had a tear on his cheek.
God this is awful, this is so awful. I can handle it but take these innocent people out.
One of them looked the youngest, he looked about 15. He was huddled up in the corner, the same look on his face. He hugged his knees, scars were visible on his legs.

He looked terrified. I started to cry once more, my heart ached for them. I sat facing as much of them as I can. I knew they could hear me so I talked not having eye contact with any of them,

"Look, we'll get out. I promise. I promise. -I repeated because I meant it- "You will be free, and you'll kiss whoever the fuck you want to kiss. And you'll be happy, smiling, laughing actually. With people who love and support you. I can promise you this because I'm going to make it happen. I'm not sure how but I'll find a way. Sooner or later I'll find a way" I promised them. I'm keeping it, for them not me. For Troye. For my friends and for my sister. It felt like centuries before a guard came and said,
"Lunch time, not you Gray. You're coming with me" I rolled my eyes and followed him as the lifeless people came out the room one by one looking the most depressed I've ever seen. I went into this room where they had the clothes the other kids were wearing.

"I'm not fucking wearing that shit" I stated
"Its not a choice, and don't curse at me dumbfuck"
"Some Christian you are, hm?" I moved my black hair away from my face.
The boy pushed me. He worked there. He pushed me to the wall and then guys looked at me, his fist in the air like he was going to hit me, but he dropped it next to his side. Looked away mumbling something under his breath.

He couldn't do it. This was my way out. I need him to like me.

I'm so sorry for not uploading I was busy reading other books lol. I know that's not an excuse but remember I also have school and homework I also have friends to hang out with in the weekends but I'm try to be more active.

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