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Noah's POV:
I didn't know why the teacher thought that nor did I know that Troye was out to the public. I mean he does things that give clues but you never know. I turned to look at him after that statement but the teacher cut off my stare,
"And you?" She said, "No judgment here" she continued.
"Im...straight. I know I am. I am."
"I never said you werent" she said
"I know, but I am" I said again.
Troye laughed, "What kind of question is that? Do you not see him at party's? He's all over the slutty girls!"
"Language please." The teacher said
"So? Why do you care?" I said
"I dont"
"Then why did you bring it up?"
"I was helping you!"
"I can help myself"
"Settle down boys! You two free to go but stop talking in class, and you, Gray, stop talking back"
"Not happenings, Susan" I said walking out, Troye behind me.
"Are you still mad at me?" I asked
"Yes!" He said walking down the hall not even bothering to turn around.
"I'm sorry for everything I did, I cant help that I'm a screw up! I just fuck everything up." I said looking at his back but jogged next to him. He walked so he was still in front of me.
I grabbed his arm to turn him around. He looked at me.
"What now?"
"Nothing. I'm apologizing"
"Good. I forgive you....I guess"
I smiled, "good" he walked away again leaving me standing next to my locker. I put my stuff away and walked to class.
"Late again, Noah?"
"Yessir!" I said proud
"And your supplies?"
"Nowhere to be found" I answered.
"I'm talking to your coach" I rolled my eyes at that.
I sat next to Mike who gave me a raised eyebrow.
"What?" I whispered
"Where have you been? You're not hanging out with us as much, what's up?"
"Nothing, I just got in trouble by the science teacher"
"Okay but why arn't you hanging out with us?"
"I am, after school?"
"Great, your house" I said

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