Chapter Ten: Saturday Night (feat. Tate)

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FIVE RAN ahead of the rest of them, hearing the whizzing of the knife Diego threw. He leapt down the last few steps, and spacial-jumped to the bottom of the second staircase in a flash of light. Overhead, he could hear the sounds of his siblings getting up as quickly as possible, most likely scoping out the danger.

"Tate! Oh my God, Tate!"

He peered around the corner and scoffed, upset and embarrassed; the alarming scream had been the little brother acknowledging the arrival of this Tate.

"Ron! Oh, it's been forever!" Tate entered the house and wrapped the brother in a big hug, Jordan trailing behind.

Diego and Luther arrived at the top of the steps, flanked by Allison and Ben. Five focused and felt the air around him ripple, and then he was behind them.

"False alarm," he whispered, the conversation between the three boys below drifting towards them. "Just the brother."

Diego sighed, and tucked his knife into his waistband. They all went quietly upstairs. Five followed them until they got to the foot of the steps. There, he paused and looked down the stairs. The three boys could he heard very clearly.

"You want to go eavesdrop, don't you?" Ben said, turning around. Five shrugged and pulled his ear.


Ben rolled his eyes and said, "Well, let's pray you don't get caught," before closing the door.

Five smiled—a big, proper smile—at the wooden door before reminding himself that people could see. Carefully, he clenched his hands into fists, felt the small rush that came with jumping, and went to to the bottom of the steps.


Ron had been freakishly excited to see Tate. Like every other week before this.

"Tate! Oh my God, Tate!" Ron shrieked after screaming—it sounded like someone was being murdered when he did. He ran into Tate's outstretched arms, and they twirled in the hallway as Jordan lazily walked towards them.

"Ron! Oh, it's been forever!" Tate exclaimed, setting Ron down. He giggled, and then the two of them where babbling on about who knows what. Jordan smiled and closed the door.

"And then, Luca was like 'Cindy, you're an idiot' and Cindy was all 'Luca, why don't you go away' and—"

"Ron!" Jordan laughed, wrapping his arms around his brother and putting his head on his shoulder. "Lets save the Talking-Tate's-Ear-Off part for dinner, yeah?"

"Fine," Ron huffed, untangling himself from Jordan's grip. "You're lame," he stuck his tongue out childishly. Jordan blew a kiss.

"You know it."

Tate laughed. Then, his hand shot out and grabbed Jordan's arm; he noted that Tate's nails where now painted a glossy blue, ring finger a fire-truck red. "Jordie, I've come seeking advice. And food, but advice is more important."

"Okay?" Jordan chuckled. "What do you need?"

"Clothes, Jordie. Fuck knows you've got all the best. Even if you haven't got shit for money."

Jordan threw his head back and laughed. "Alright. You go raid the fridge, and I'll make sure Ron's okay."

Tate gave a mock salute and ran off, cupboards opening. Jordan poked his head into the bathroom, where Ron was picking at his face, and told him he was gonna help Tate with homework. Then, he went to the stairs.

"What the fuck?" Jordan said, blinking.

"Uh...hi?" Five winced at his response. "How're you?"

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jordan hissed. "You're supposed to be upstairs!"

"Someone screamed! I thought they where back!" Five spat back, just as irritated. His hand snapped up to his ear, giving it an angry tug.

"They? Who is 'they'?" Jordan asked; in the kitchen, Tate closed the cupboard and opened the fridge. "You know what? I don't care! Just get upstairs!" He pushed Five towards the steps, and swore again.

Behind him, in a mass clump of embarrassed faces, stood Allison, Luther, Diego, Ben, and Klaus.

"Sorry, Jordie," Klaus said. Jordan flushed at the nickname; he'd always hated it and now Klaus knew. If he knew, so did the rest.

"I am so ready to steal all your Nirvana shirts!" Tate yelled, and then he started to walk closer.

"Go!" Jordan hissed, shoving Luther. The six of them ran up as quietly as possible, tripping over another. Just as Bens arm disappeared, Tate rounded the corner with the excited grin of a boy about to go on his first date.

He whirled around and smiled, a door creaking shut. "I figured you'd have taken them all by now," he said. Tate giggled.

"At least I return them."

Jordan shrugged, and Tate raced up the stairs, handing him a few bottles of soda and some Eggos. Looking at the junk food split between them, Jordan's mind flashed to his stomach and his thighs. Mentally, he decided to only have one soda and two items of junk food. He'd have to have a smaller dinner, if at all.

"Off to your room!" Tate said, eyes sparkling. He spun in a circle and danced down the hall, past the doorway to the attic.

Pausing, Jordan checked the door; he smiled when he saw it had been closed.

Then, he scrambled after Tate, who was already throwing jeans on the floor.

Yesssss more Tate. I love Tate, he's great even if he's not that important (yet)
Apologies because this chapter was really short   :/   but I hoped you liked it anyways
Thanks to doovy_the_hufflepuff for 'Jordie' because I love it a whole fucking lot
Also, thank you guys for all the comments on the last chapter! It made me feel so great to see all of those lovely things 💖💖
It's only been a little over a month since I started publishing this?? Like?? Rainy Days has over a thousand reads and over a hundred votes??? How????You guys are great
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! The next one is much more interesting, I promise
Have a great day!!!

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