Chapter Forty-Five: Cats Are Cool, But Monkeys Are Magnificent (@ Pogo)

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[hargreeves house–thursday morning]

JORDAN WOKE up to the smell of bacon and no death, which is great. He yawned and wondered who was making breakfast. It smelled fucking delicious, that's for sure.

He ran a hand through his hair and padded down the hallway, trying to remember where he was—it was a bit concerning, not knowing, but it was chill. He didn't care; he just wanted bacon.

"Good morning, Jordan!" Grace smiled and handed him a plate. On it was two eggs and a piece of bacon shaped into a smiley face; a cup of fruit and a glass of milk was whisked in front of him right after.

"Uh...good morning," Jordan said sleepily, poking at the egg. Grace lightly slapped his hand and gave him a fork.

"Did you get a good nights rest?" Grace asked, sitting down in front of him. "We've got a lot to do today. A lot."

"Yeah," Jordan said, trying to figure how to eat enough to keep him on his feet but not enough to make him fatter. Delicately, he started nibbling the fruit.

"Now, remember Jordan, I'm going to get the keys from Pogo. You need to be at the elevator by ten-thirty so you can get down into the basement. Five will most likely be weakened, but you'll have to jump back to wherever you came from." Grace tapped her fingers on the table, adjusting her blonde curls.

"I'll do that," said Jordan gravely. He placed the barely eaten fruit on the table and chugged the milk. Grace automatically leaned over and wiped away the milk-mustache with a napkin, but the gesture made Jordan flinch with apprehension. His mind had flashed to his own mother, reaching out and pinching his mouth, telling him to close it and stop eating.

He touched his stomach lightly and frowned.

"Jordan, can you promise me something?"

"What?" He asked.

"Keep Five safe," Grace said simply. Her face wasn't worried, but her fingers where tapping crazily and she continuously played with her hair. "Keep them all safe. Please."

"Of course, Grace." Jordan gathered up his courage and placed his hand on hers. She flipped her hand so they where interlocked.

"Thank you."

The two sat there until a bell rang. Grace got up quick as a wink. "I'll be taking Reginald his breakfast. Remember; ten-thirty."

She disappeared with a tray, heels clicking. Jordan sat at the table, alone, and shoved an egg in his mouth. As he swallowed, he could feel it roll in his otherwise empty stomach. He wanted to rush to the bathroom and vomit.

Instead, he grabbed the blueprint and the watch stolen from Luther's bedroom. His jaw was set, eyes a cold shade. The air turned stale and lifted his curls.

He was going to get Five out of that fucking cell, if it was the last thing he did.


Five opened his eyes. He could feel the eye boogers, his throat hoarse, stomach grumbling. Pogo was there, holding his cane and the keys.

The keys.

"Don't even think about taking the keys, Five," Pogo said calmly. "As I'm sure you know, this cell was carefully constructed to render your powers useless. And just because I'm an old monkey doesn't mean you'll be able to beat me up."

Five didn't say anything; he was worried that if he did, it would come out as a croak.

Pogo's face softened, and his eyes were sad. Five wondered what he looked like; he felt like garbage, and he hadn't even been here a full twenty-four hours. It was hell, being left alone with his thoughts.

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