Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hug It Out, Bros

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[jordans house–late monday evening]

DIEGO SAT on the floor, his butt numb.

Tate and Jordan had left downstairs maybe three minutes ago; Allison and Luther still gone, and Klaus had dragged Five off down the hall with a frown about two milliseconds after Jordan was gone.

Now, it was only him and Ben. Ben and Diego. Diego and Ben. Alone.

And very, very awkward.

Without warning, Diego remembered that Ben had been his favorite. Even above Klaus. Ben had always been the calmest one with his stutter (besides Mom), and Diego thought about the time Ben had asked Mom what to do to help Diego when his stutter got bad. At first, Diego had been furious; he didn't need help, didn't need pity, his stutter was fine. Ben didn't need to look after him!

But then, after a frightening and stressful mission, Diego hadn't been able to form a single word; every single sound seemed to get stuck in his throat and choke him. Ben gently pulled him aside and told him to focus, to imagine the word in his mind, serene and firm, just like Mom. Diego had said every single word clear as day in the interview. And Ben had smiled at him during it, so proud and happy for him, and Diego couldn't even think about being mad.

Then he'd died. But now, he was back. He was sitting right there, in pajamas with a small nick from the glass on his index finger. His eyes where sleepy, the blanket wrapped around him still. He was alive.

"Thank you," Ben said suddenly. Diego froze.

"F-F- For what?" He stammered, face warming as the stutter arose.

"For jumping in front of me. When
Vanya, like, exploded those wine glasses." Ben smiled softly. Diego shrugged, playing with one of the knives he'd swiped from Jordan's kitchen.

"I-I-It's not a big d-d-duh-deal," he murmured. It was happening, the constants and vowels sticking to his throat like they where covered in syrup, never leaving and feeling forced and fake.

"Diego," Ben said softly, his mildly injured hand reaching out and gently brushing on his brothers shoulder. "Just focus; picture the words in your mind." He removed his hand and waited, smiling patiently.

Diego looked at Ben like he was an angel. He swallowed hard, tears pricking his eyes. "Ben, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" Ben said, puzzled. Of course, there was plenty Ben wanted an apology for (mostly relating to when he was dead), but maybe Diego felt bad from that time they where ten and he gave Ben a black eye in training and never said sorry. Maybe.

"For everything," said Diego, voice quiet. He stared at his hands, at the knife glittering like a gem in the fake sunshine from the lamp. He'd always loved knives, but he'd never thought about why. "For always being rude, for getting angry about you being alive, for not caring enough to say your name when I was talking with Klaus. I'm sorry."

Ben reached out and put his hand back on Diego's shoulder. "Diego, it's okay—"

"But it's not," Diego clenched his hand around the knife handle, not looking Ben in the eyes. "I w-was an asshole. A m-m-major asshole. I still am. I was just angry. Angry that y-you got to come back and E-Eu-Eudora didn't. Because I miss her like h-hell, but I m-missed you like hell t-too.

"So I'm sorry, B-Ben, because I am a m-m-muh-major dick." Diego glanced up at his brother, who had always been naïve and kind, sweet and sensitive, befriending all of them and loving each equally. Who took the time to talk to Vanya about her violin, who had stayed with Klaus through addictions and stupid mistakes, who watched Allison's countless fashion shows without complaints, who assisted Luther with homework, helped Diego with his stutter and never once asked for anything in return. Ever. He'd died and come back and didn't even ask for a hug. In fact, Diego didn't think anyone but Klaus had really even touched Ben.

"You where a major dick," Ben agreed. Diego giggled, feeling tears brimming his eyes. Ben was touching his shoulder, accepting his apologies, and Ben was here. A sudden and terrifying thought that it was fake—that Diego would touch Ben and he'd slip away and he'd wake up an adult, Ben dead—washed over Diego like a cold hand slipping down his spine.

"I accept your apology, Diego," Ben said. "I know that you loved Eudora, and–oof!"

Diego pulled Ben in for a hug, clutching his brother as tight as he could. Bens face was smushed into his shoulder, and he only relaxed long enough for Ben to adjust himself so his chin was propped on Diego's shoulder; then, he was clutching just as tight as before.

The blanket Ben had wrapped around himself fell, revealing jeans, thick socks, and a tee-shirt probably stolen from Jordan. He laughed, wrapping his arms back around his brother. "You okay?"

Diego shook his head furiously, feeling tears slip down his cheeks. "I love you, Ben," he muttered.

"I love you too, Diego."

Ben smelled a bit like Jordan's house did—cigarettes, dirt, alcohol, and the ground after a hard rain—but he mostly smelled like Ben. Like vanilla, laundry soap, lilac, and the faintest trace of blood. It was reassuring; almost as reassuring as the pressure Ben was placing on his shoulder blades as they hugged. Because Ben wasn't dead, and he wasn't turning into ash; he wouldn't slip through his fingers and drift away, because he was real and alive and here.

Diego took a shaky breath and held back a sob.

"What's going on?"

Diego shoved Ben away from him, viciously wiping away tears. He knew it wouldn't do much; his eyes likely where colored red.

Five and Klaus stood there, looking uncomfortable.

"Just fixing some stuff," Ben said calmly. Diego could feel the embarrass creeping through his skin, chasing goosebumps and warm cheeks.

"Can I join the emotional hug?" Klaus asked, arms wide. Ben grinned, looking like a smol evil marshmallow.

"Absolutely," Ben replied, and Klaus giggled maliciously as he ran over and dragged Diego into a hug with Ben. The three sat there, Diego's eyes filling with tears again.

"Five?" Ben spoke, voice muffled; his nose was currently pressed against Klaus's shoulder. "Want a hug? I know you're secretly a hugger."

Diego moved so he could arch an eyebrow at Five. "Really?"

"Shut it, crybaby," Five scowled. He stomped over to them and wrapped his arms around Diego and Ben.

They all laughed, Diego crying the entire time the four brothers sat on the floor and hugged.

Awww Ben & Diego have solved their small issues and it was cuteeeee
I'm low-key proud of this chapter
Since it is now July, the new updating schedule is going to be: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
I hope you enjoyed this update, and that you all have a wonderful day!!!!

( side note: I just finished watching Phil's coming out video and I??? Cannot stop??? Smilin and feelin happy???? What???? Why???????
anyways I'm super proud of Dan n Phil lol it makes my heart happy lmao have a nice day )

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