Chapter Twenty-Two: Kissy-Kissy-Cheesy-Wheezey

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JORDAN COULDN'T breath. Five was kissing him. Fives lips where touching his, gentle as a butterfly, softer than a cloud.

Five pulled away, his eyes downcast, face hot red. He opened his mouth to say something, closed it again, and Jordan took this opportunity to pull Five back to him, slamming his lips against he others.

Five seemed surprised for a moment, and Jordan started to panic, because he shouldn't've done that, consent is important god damn it, what the fuck had he been thinking—

And then Five was kissing him back with an intensity that made him shiver, curling his fingers into the Green Day shirt Five wore. Their noses bumped and teeth clashed, but it was hot and quick and passionate and one fucking hell of a kiss. 

Five's fingers lightly tugged on Jordan's hair and he moaned airily, his stomach constricting. (Outside, the wind started to pick up, but Jordan was too busy to care.) Slowly, Five lowered himself so he was sitting on Jordan's lap instead of hovering over him; Jordan practically melted into the floorboard when Five did that.

Then, merely a moment after Five sat in Jordan's lap, his tongue ran over his lips, the taste of blood from the cuts a startling iron. Jordan gasped at the sudden move and Five pushed his tongue into his mouth.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit I'm kissing motherfucking Five Hargreeves and I'm kissing him with tongue holy fuck oh shit—

Jordan, mildly unsure of what to do but caught up in the moment, started to move his tongue too. Five purred and pressed their mouths closer, tightening his grip on the black curls. His tongue ran across Jordan's lips once more, touching the newly chipped front tooth. Jordan moaned again, and Five pulled back to breath, resting his forehead against Jordan's, eyes closed.

Both boys panted, hearts racing, boxers tightening, lips swollen and minds spinning.

Just as Jordan started to lean back in, Five scrambled back, landing on the ground, his eyes flying wide open.

"Five? Are you okay?" said Jordan, his voice hoarse and concerned. He reached out, tilted his head. "Five?"

Five scrambled to his feet and ran away, footsteps thumping on the stairs.

Jordan sat at the table, touching his mouth. It was bleeding slightly, but the tears brimming his eyes weren't from that soft, stinging pain.

Outside, a bolt of lightening flashed somewhere in the distance. Taking a deep breath, scrunching his face, he focused on reigning in all the emotions (hot and a little horny from the kiss, upset, scared, worried, etcetera) and released the breath in a slow exhale.

The wind stopped, and the rain slowed to a peaceful tip-tap. He got to his feet, washed his hands, pinned back the curls with a butterfly barrette that supposedly belonged to Ron, and got back to work on the pie. Klaus seemed to love his food.


"Klaus! Klaus, I need you!" Five practically fell into the bedroom. Diego looked over in surprise, his kart driving off the road on the TV. Ben, who was laying on the bed, looked up from his book, arching his eyebrows.

"What do you want?" Klaus said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"I–I need your help," said Five, his hands tugging his ear and sure that his brothers could see. They could see he'd just been making out with Jordan downstairs, could see it, see the flush and the feeling in his stomach and everything and they would make fun of him.

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