Chapter Forty-Nine: Back to Diego, Our Kraken of a Guy / Man, He Needs a Hug

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[at the commission–time unknown]

DIEGO WOKE up with a raging headache.

"Glad to see you finally woke up," Park called out. Diego groaned; just the guys voice made his head screech with agony. "Don't be such a baby, Diego. It's not that bad."

"Fuck off, please."

"No need to be rude."

"I said please." Diego rolled over and closed his eyes, shoving his face into the pillow. Park couldn't take a hint, apparently.

"Diego, do you remember what happened?" Park said. Diego didn't reply; he didn't feel like moving his mouth. It felt like cotton balls had been shoved in it and left for hours. He also felt like Q-Tips had been left in his ears.

"I'll take that as a yes, then."

There was the creaking of the cell door opening, and Diego could feel Park's presence hovering over him. He didn't care, actually; he felt slow and stupid today. Why?

Something cold touched Diego's neck.

"Fuck!" Diego yelped, sitting up so fast stars flashed in his eyes. Park laughed, their black eyes sparkling. Ice dripped from their hand.

"You're a bitch," Diego mumbled. Park grinned and winked.

The door was wide open. Diego stared at it, eyes wide. He should leave, right? Just get up and leave? But something was screaming for him to not go.

Why shouldn't he go? Was he injured?

"You should stand up, Diego," Park whispered, their voice thick. "You should just get up and run out."

Diego blinked. He shouldn't be running. Something had happened to his back. What had happened to his back?

"Number Two. Get out."

Diego moved his leg and his entire back screamed. It felt like fire had raced up his spine and curled around his head, burning all of his senses. Diego held back the shout that ached to be released and practically fell backwards, collapsing back onto the cot and blinking away tears.

Park laughed. "I thought you where one of the strongest? You aren't good enough to be Number One, Diego. You never where."

They walked out of the cell, swinging the door shut. The lock echoed out through Diego's mind, cutting through the fog of pain covering his thoughts.

Diego let the tears fall when Park left.

[jordan's house–thursday, midday]

Klaus leaned back against the wall and lifted the joint to his lips, smiling. He'd almost forgotten what it felt like to get high; he missed it.

Klaus shifted his weight; the shingles on Jordan's roof where rather uncomfortable on his ass. The sun was bright and warm on his face, the smoke trailing up from the joint looking real fucking aesthetic. He giggled at that thought; there was still, what, five more years until Tumblr happened? Ah, who cares; this sun felt real nice on his skin. Like a million kisses. Star-gazing on warm summer nights and the euphoria of doing something right in the eyes of your father. It felt like Dave.

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