Chapter Thirty-Nine: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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[hargreeves house, five's room–real early wednesday morning]

"FIVE! YOU'RE alive!" Klaus said, throwing his arms around his brother. Five made a face but didn't move; Luther was fairly certain the boy had snuggled into the hug.

"Of course I'm alive, dumbass," Five said, trying to muster his usual Fuck-This-Life attitude and failing; he sounded like an exhausted teenager. "I just overexerted myself."

"Then Jordie did that too, I suppose?" Klaus waved to Jordan, who was still asleep. Five clenched his jaw and shrugged.

"Possibly. He was doing a surprisingly well job of keeping them from killing him."

"Five, can you help?" Ben mumbled. "I'm sorry to ask, but my hands hurt and my head aches and I might vomit all over Vanya."

"Don't do that, Ben," Five said as he stood shakily. He came over and took Ben's spot.

"Five, what happened to Diego?" Luther asked. He ignored the glare from Allison.

"He...I assume they either killed him or kidnapped him. For a hostage situation. They know that we'll do anything to get him back." Five was pale, his complexion gray. He kept on looking at Vanya, and then to Jordan. Troubles and secrets flitted unspoken behind his eyes.

"But I suppose we no longer need to identify the butterfly," Ben spoke. "We know that it was that crazy-guys butterfly."

"Park," Five corrected. "Their name is Park."

Luther's eyes widened. "You know them?"

"Did you not figure that out from Billie's monologue?" Five arched an eyebrow, feeling like a tiny man was sitting in his head and trying to kick down his forehead.

"Tell us everything you know about them!" Luther demanded. "We need to know, Five."

"Luther, c'mon, give him a break–" Klaus began.

"Shut up, Klaus!" Luther hissed. "No one cares!"

Klaus recoiled. Five clenched his jaw and whirled his head to glare up at his brother; Allison's hands curled into fists and Ben touched Klaus's shoulder gently.

"Luther," Allison said. Her voice was cold, practically shaking with anger. "Fuck off."

He clenched his jaw and froze. Five frowned and pressed a new strip of cloth to Vanya's wound. It was bleeding too much. Too much blood.

"Five, tell us what you know," Luther growled. Five pressed his lips together.

"First, we have to get Vanya's bleeding under control," Five said. "We have too. She's losing too much."

Luther shook his head. "No. Tell us what you know."

"Luther!" Allison hissed.

"I'm not telling you a word," Five sneered.

"I Heard a Rumor–"

"Allison, shut the fuck up!" Luther whirled on her, his blue eyes burning with anger and his hands held in tight fists. He raised his arm above his head, and she scrambled backwards, tripping over a book and hitting her head on the dresser. Someone darted over to them and stood, glaring. Luther froze.

"Put your arm right the fuck down, Luther, or I swear to fuck I'll stab you." Klaus snarled, a pocket knife held tightly in his hand. He didn't look nervous; his jaw was clenched and he was practically shaking with anger.

"Klaus...Allison..." Luther said quietly, lowering his arm. Nobody breathed.

"Learn how to fucking control yourself," Klaus snapped. "And if you ever try to hurt one of my siblings again, I won't be sorry when you get stabbed."

He closed the knife and shoved it into his pocket, his hand reaching up and grasping empty air; it could only be assumed he'd been reaching for the dog tags he'd had. He went and plopped himself back on the blanket with Ben and a sleeping Jordan.

Allison slowly got to her feet. "Five, you should jump down to the kitchen and grab some food. Bandages if you can. We need supplies, and no one is leaving this room until Five is ready to travel us back to Jordan's house."

Five nodded, and Klaus wordlessly got up and took over from him. He gently brushed some strands of Vanya's hair off her face. He had tears in his eyes. Five gently squeezed his shoulder before stepping into the flash of blue.

"Ben, you need to clean up." Allison decided. He shrugged.

"I mean, that'd be nice."

Allison scoffed a short laugh before grabbing some cloth. She bent down and started to wipe the blood off his face. Five returned with food and a first-aid kit.

The conscious siblings ate in an uncomfortable silence, all eyeing Luther. Vanya whimpered, but Jordan didn't even twitch.

ooooooo lutherrrrrr
anywho, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovely day!!!!

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