Chapter Fifty-Seven: Gotta Save Friends and Hide Their Bodies

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[jordans house–friday evening]

BENS HANDS shook with nerves.

"Do you need me to do it?" Allison asked. Ben shook his head furiously.

Jordan was high on whatever pain meds Klaus had given him; to be fair, they probably should've checked. Luther was chewing him out as they went to bring Five, who they'd determined had only a bite mark and a few scratches, to Ron's room. They where going to try and wake Vanya up.

"You've got very pretty eyes, Alli," Jordan said. He tried to sit up, but Allison pushed him back down.

"Jordan, you need to stay still," said Allison. "Or else, when Ben pulls the knife out, it's going to much more painful then it needs to be."

Jordan huffed and pouted like a toddler, but he stopped wriggling on the bed like a worm (as he had said he was doing).

"Ready?" Ben asked Allison, who had the bandages in her hand.


"Okay," Ben took a deep breath. He held the hilt of the knife, focusing on what he was going to do. "On three."

Allison modded gravely.


"Wait!" Jordan cried out.

Ben and Allison gaped at him.

"What day is it?" Jordan asked.

"Uh–what?" Allison hissed. "Why is that important? At all?"

"Ron and my mom," Jordan says. "They come back on Friday's."

Ben froze. He ran down the stairs and looked at the calendar, his eyes chasing over the days.

It was Friday.

As quick as he could, Ben went back up the stairs and into Jordan's room, where both he and Allison awaited him.

"It's Friday." Ben said breathlessly.

"Move us into the attic," Jordan said. "You've gotta get us up there. If–If my mom sees this, sees me—" he shudders. "It won't be good."

"Okay," Allison drooped the bandages back into the first-aid kit, latching it closed. "Okay. We have to get him upstairs—without moving the knife. Ben, quick, tell Luther and Klaus that they've gotta move Five and Vanya. Start with Five; we've gotta be extra careful with Vanya."

Ben nodded and raced out the room, already yelling.

Allison started to prepare Jordan for the move into the attic. "Look, Jordie, we've gotta move you to the attic. It's gonna hurt."

"No it won't," Jordan reached up and tugged one of her curls, smiling. "I'm like a fucking cloud. A rain cloud, though, because, you know. The whole rain thing." He giggled.

"Uh, sure, Jordan. The whole 'rain thing'. What rain thing?" Allison bit her lip, looking into the hallway and seeing Luther carrying Five towards the attic. Ben and Klaus were preparing Vanya to be moved.

"Silly goose! Don't you remember?" Jordan lay back, his brown eyes searching hers with a childlike innocence. "I've got the whole control-the-weather-and-water thingie going."

Allison froze and stared down at him. "What?" She whispered.

"You know, this!" Jordan grinned lazily and closed his eyes, scrunching up hide nose. His fingers twitched and then the bottle of water on the bedside table exploded.

Allison let out a shocked and impressed, "What the hell?"

Jordan giggled and waved his fingers; the water concentrated into one orb and floated there until Jordan somehow made it drift over to Allison. Gaping, she reached out and poked it. The water bubble popped and got all over her face.

"Oh! I can fix that," Jordan squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw; all the droplets came off Allison's face. The feeling was strange, going from the sudden shock of cold wetness back to the comfort of dryness.

"Oh my God," she whispered.

"Nope, just me." Jordan giggled again.

Luther ran into the room, frowning. "Is he ready to be moved, Number Three?" He asked.

"Number Three? Really, Luther?" Allison glared at him. Luther shuffled his feet.

"Yeah. Hurry up and be careful." She snapped.

Permission granted, Luther rushed forwards and nearly tripped. He scooped Jordan up—the curly haired boy hissed in pain, and Luther noticeably become more careful—and went into the attic. Klaus and Ben where gathering up any trace of them from the rooms; bandages, blood stained blankets, plates, anything.

Allison did the same in Ron's room. Just as Luther made it back downstairs, heading towards Vanya, lights flashed outside. A car pulled into the driveway.

"Fuck," Klaus breathes. There's shouting from outside and doors slamming.

"Move!" Luther hissed, and all four of them scramble for the attic; Luther scoops Vanya up with no regard to the makeshift stitches sewn in her side.

Klaus pulls the attic door shut as quietly as he can; someone is stinking up the stairs, yelling for Jordan. It's the excited voice of Ron.

"Oh, shit," Luther says.

They really are fucked.

i'm sorry about this chapter, i feel like the quality is really bad? idk
anyways, for septembers updating schedule it will continue to be the Mon., Wed., and Fri. updating schedule unless something comes up, in which case you shall be alerted
i hope you enjoyed the chapter (despite the bad quality), and that you all have a lovely day!!!!!

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