Chapter Forty-Three: Klaus Peed, Allison Leaves, and Jordie Meets the Parents

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KLAUS SIGHED in relief and tugged his pants up, when suddenly—

"Hurry up, Klaus!" Allison hissed, barging into the bathroom; Klaus yelped in surprise, but then Five tumbled out of nowhere, grabbed Allison, and dragged her through space. An alarm went off somewhere in the house.

"Klaus, finish peeing! Everyone but you and Jordan are safe!" Five snapped.

"Hold your horses, jeez," Klaus mumbled, buttoning his jeans. Then, Five grabbed his arm and tossed him into Allison and Luther. Luther yelped in pain; Five yelled a sorry and went back for Jordan.


Jordan didn't know what was happening. An alarm was ringing, lights were flashing, and someone was screaming. Everyone was missing; he was completely alone. Five was gone, Klaus, Ben, Allison, Luther, Vanya and Diego too. His eyes where dry, throat parched, and when he licked his lips they tasted like salt.

Jordan's head pounded and the world tilted when he pulled himself to his feet. The shrieking alarm didn't help. He had to find everyone. They wouldn't have left him. No way. Right?

Then, he finally identified the screaming person: Five.

Anger flooded Jordan, from his curls to the tips of his toes. It was red-hot and fast, filling him with energy. Stumbling, he opened the bedroom door and stared in shock.

A monkey was threatening Five with a cane. A blonde woman was wringing her hands and looking fearful; Reginald Hargreeves was at the top of a staircase, monocle in his eye and jaw clenched.

"Let me go!" Five said, thrashing wildly. "Let me go!"

"Number Five!" Reginald stomped his cane on the floor and it echoed. "Stop your nonsense at once."

Jordan felt like he should do something. He should help Five. But what could he do? He hadn't even been standing for five minutes and he already felt like vomiting, much less like finding a water source to use. And he was emotionally drained too, so trying to rile himself up in hopes of causing a storm was out too. The flush of energy was already beginning to die out. Jordan was fucked.

"Let me go, Pogo, god dammit!" Five screamed. Jordan's heart wrenched. He stepped forwards, and the blonde woman's head whirled to face him.

Jordan froze, not taking another step. The woman made a small gesture—waved her hand back a little bit. She tilted her head towards the door.

Jordan stepped back, hidden in the frame. The women nodded slightly and returned to anxiously wringing her hands and fluttering her eyes between Five, the monkey, and Reginald. 

As Reginald slowly walked down the stairs, Five stopped struggling. He panted heavily, eyes narrowed and glaring daggers at his father. Jordan's heart was pounding, filling his brain and hurting his thoughts.

Reginald reached his son. They stared at one another, everyone else onlookers to a train wreck they couldn't look away from. Jordan's fingers curled inwards, nails cutting crescents into his palms.

"You came back..." Reginald murmured, touching Five's face gently. Five flinched lightly, and Reginald withdraw his hand.

"You aren't supposed to be here," Reginald said, his gaze hardening. "You're still supposed to be in the future."

"We came back," Five snapped. "Because we want to stop the apocalypse."

"I want that too, Number Five," Reginald replied coldly. "You think I want human civilization to end?"

"You let it happen," Five said. "You treated Vanya like an outsider, hid her powers away from us all, hid them away from her, and then you died. You died and left us to deal with the mess." Fives glared, his eyes calculating. "You bastard."

Then he spit in his fathers face.

The blonde and the monkey gasped seemingly involuntarily. The women's hand covered her mouth and she watched the two, fear in her eyes. Jordan himself was afraid; he could feel blood thinly spreading out from where his nails dug into his palms.

"You shouldn't have done that, Number Five," Reginald calmly wiped the spit off his face with a handkerchief. "You shouldn't have brought your siblings back. You shouldn't have tried to save the world. And you most certainly should not have spit in your fathers face."

"You're anything but a father," Five snarled. Jordan stepped forwards, his hands raised, but the woman glared sharply at him and he backed down.

Then, seemingly while Jordan blinked, a loud slap rang across the room. Across the house. Across the world.

His mouth dropped when Five fell to the ground, clutching his face. Reginald's cane was raised, and his jaw was clenched.

"Lock him up, Pogo," Reginald said gravely, his face betraying no emotion. "Don't let him out until he's learnt his lesson."

"Yes, sir," the monkey—Pogo?—bowed and assisted Five to his feet. Jordan couldn't see his face, but it sounded painful. Within a minute, Five was gone. Taken down the stairs and out of sight.


"Grace, we must find the other six. We must." Reginald pulled out s notebook and stalked away. The women watched him go, and once he was gone, she rushed over to the door in short, mechanical steps.

"Who are you?" Grace said, her eyes glowing like a computer. Glowing?

"Uh–Jordan? Jordan Reel?" Jordan stepped backwards, feeling uncomfortable. Grace scanned him—he felt as if he was being judged, like in the myths where you hand them your heart and they weigh it for good deeds and bad deeds.

"Okay," Grace said and stepped back, a graceful smile on her face. "Come with me, Jordan." She started walking away.

"Uh, wait—" Jordan stayed back, watching her carefully. "How do I know that I can trust you?"

"I'm Five's mother," Grace said. "And he most certainly doesn't need to be locked up."

Jordan stared. She was his mother?

"Well, Jordan?"

"Okay," Jordan said, and she smiled, taking his arm gently. Her fingers where cold. She rushed him into what appeared to be the kitchen.

"Would you like a sandwich?" She offered.

yesssss it's Graceeee
also: i'm sorry? i feel like the quality of my chapters are starting to jump off a cliff.    :/    i really hope everything in it still makes sense/is quality. if they aren't, let me know?
anywho, have a lovely day!!!!

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