Chapter Thirty-Two: I Am Bad At Naming Chapters, I Apologize

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[outside of jordans house–midday]

"THIS IS stupid," Park hissed. The red-eyed woman rolled her eyes and relaxed against the tree.

"You need to chill, Park. We have to wait until Jordan gets back from school."

"But they're right there!" Park waved wildly at the shapes of Diego, Ben, and Klaus standing in the yard.

"Yeah, and you know what will happen if we go up to them?" She leaned forward as and grabbed Park's bicep tightly. "Diego will toss his knives at us, and they won't miss. Ben will raise that cute little sweater vest and release that tentacle monster that lives in his chest, and although Klaus can't do much, he can still make the dead visible. That's a scary-ass power, Park."

"Let me go," they snapped, black eyes glinting maliciously. They stared each other down for a moment, unnatural red against abnormal black, before she released them.

"Go back to using your fucking powers, butterfly boy," she mumbled, closing her eyes. "I'm going to take a nap."

"You're such a school skipper," they mumbled as they closed their eyes. In front of them, the gorgeous butterfly began to materialize, light shining through its iridescent wings.

"Technically, I was never actually enrolled," she said, eyes still closed. A wide smile had grown, her sharp canines poking at her lip. "The Handler can weave some powerful time-magic."

"There where a lot of inconsistencies, though. Didn't anyone ever ask where Billie Ramone came from, or where you went?"

"Nope. No one wanted to talk to Billie Ramone; she was a cigarette smokin', purple haired freak."

"Better than being you."


The conversation ended; Parks butterfly fluttered down into Jordan Reel's backyard, landing on a tree and listening to the three brothers talk.


Diego frowned. It was obvious Klaus and Ben didn't believe him; maybe he should've gone to Five and Vanya instead. He'd really only chosen these two because Klaus had been complaining about his want for weed and there wasn't any anywhere he could find, and that comment Allison had made about him sobering up stuck a chord. So he'd asked them to come outside with him; Ben had grinned at him. So, Ben and Klaus sat on the ground and he paced anxiously, fiddling with the knife.

"You think that Allison and Luther are arguing over whether or not to tell us that dear ole dad has sent out a search warrant? For us?" Klaus scoffed and made a face of disbelief. "No way. Didn't he die, anyways?"

"That was before we time-traveled back into our thirteen year old selves, Klaus," Ben whispered. Klaus nodded and let out a long 'ohhhhhhhhhh'

"Yeah, dad is alive and well. And, apparently, looking for us. Because, somehow, we, like, absorbed our past-selves. Or something." Diego picked up his knife and threw it at a tree; a vaguely familiar butterfly (where had he last seen that? Somewhere important, but not as important as the matter at hand) flew out and floated away, it's blue wings turning into rolling shades of purples.

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