Chapter Twenty-Five: Mondays Suckkkkk

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[jordans house–monday morning]


Jordan blinked, yawning as he opened his eyes. Had Tate stayed over Sunday night? He didn't remember.

"Jordie!" Klaus screeched. Jordan's eyes flew open at the noise and—

He let out the loudest scream he'd ever released and rolled off the bed, his head thumping on the floor. "Owww."

"Sorry not sorry!" Klaus said happily, laughing as he fell backwards on the bed. He slid over so that his head angled off the mattress so he could smirk at Jordan upside down.

"Why?" Was all Jordan said. Then, rubbing his already-pounding head, he stumbled to his feet.

"Wowsa, Jordan," Klaus giggled. "Nice PJ's."

Jordan glanced down and finally registered the fact that he was in nothing but boxers.

Hot pink boxers.

"Fuck you, Klaus."

Klaus winked and sat up, skipping merrily out of the room. "School bus shows up in...thirty minutes!"

"How the hell do you know that?!"

Klaus just laughed; Jordan shrugged (he'd acknowledged now that Klaus was strange, but he was cool) and grabbed his clothes. He'd have to shower quickly.

He immediately walked into Vanya.

What the fuck.

"Uh..." Vanya looked everywhere but him. Probably because Jordan was still in his hot pink boxers.

He could feel his face heating up and he mumbled an apology to her—she was just as red as him—before sprinting to the bathroom. As he closed the door, he heard Diego say "Is Jordan in his boxers?" but then he was safe in the bathroom.

Jordan sighed and turned on the hot water.


Jordan wanted to die; he was totally gonna miss the bus, he only had five minutes and he'd only just gotten his shirt on, his bag wasn't around, hadn't even eaten breakfast, what the fuck was he doing–

"I packed you lu—oh my God!" Allison screamed and covered her eyes as Jordan yelled too. He'd been naked from the waist down.

"I am so, so sorry!" Allison said as Jordan tugged his boxers (these ones where black) up as quick as possible. Luther came running up the stairs, frowning and leaving when he saw there was no danger.

"It's fine!" Jordan snapped; he was already tired of Monday and he wasn't even at school yet. Two people had seen him in his underwear, he had a headache, and now Allison walked in on him with his dick out.

Fuck Monday's.

"I am so fucking sorry, I should've knocked, I'm so, so sorry—"

"Allison! It's okay. My pants are on now."

Allison hesitantly peeked out from between her fingers, and then handed him a brown paper bag. "We packed you a lunch."

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