Chapter Sixty-One: Waking Jordie Up

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[jordans attic–late friday night]

"THANK GOD," Luther said, leaping to his feet. Ben looked up at them with a worried expression. "What's happening with Ron? Who pulled in? Is everything okay? Where is Ron?"

Luther hurtled off the questions like gunfire, wringing his hands together. Klaus gave him a questioning look as Allison said,

"It was just Tate. Ron's downstairs with him now, and we're gonna wake Five and Jordan up."

"How are we waking them up?" Ben asked.

Klaus strode across the room with a spring in his step, all three of the awake siblings watching. He bent down, unlocked the first-aid kit, wiggled his butt at them (Ben snorted quietly in laughter, Allison smiled, and Luther rolled his eyes at that) and then held up a small bag with a grin. "Smelling salts!" He exclaimed.

"When did we get those?" Luther inquired.

"We didn't. Jordie had them stuffed away." Klaus said, walking over to where the two lay. "This really is just fuckin' adorable. So sweet. We should take a picture."

No one replied. Klaus sighed and squatted, opening the smelling salts. After a moment, Jordan opened his eyes.

"What the fuck. Was there a knife in my leg?" Jordan said. Next to him, Five sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, shit. We made it back." Five smiles sleepily. He leaned over and kissed Jordans forehead. Klaus looked over his shoulder at Ben and made a face.

Jordan looked up at Five. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." Five grinned. Jordan arched an eyebrow and then kissed the other boys cheek.

"Are either of you okay?" Luther asked, throwing his arms in the air.

"Peachy," Jordan smiled, sitting up. "Can you, uh, fill me in one what happened to the knife that I distinctly remember being in my leg?" Jordan pointed down to the bandage. "And can I get some pants?"

Five glanced down to see that Jordan was, indeed, only wearing boxers. When the pants had been taken off, only Allison knew (right before she'd gotten the bandages—she knew they'd have to be taken off eventually), but Jordan was pant-less. And it was a problem.

"Jordie, look, you can go get your own pants." Klaus tossed the smelling salts in the trash. "But your little brother is downstairs, and so is the cutie you call your best friend. Go get some pants on and assure them that you're alive."

"But be careful with your leg!" Allison jumped in. "Seriously. It won't be good if the wound reopens. Later tonight we'll have to try and find something to sew stitches in, but we were pressed for time and figured the tourniquet would work for a little while."

Jordan stared at them. "Thanks."

Then, he lifted a hand out. Luther walked over quickly and gently assisted the boy to his feet. Five followed, wobbling lightly as they hobbled downstairs, arms around each other.

"Their love sickens me just a little," Klaus said. Ben hit his arm.



Jordan sighed and buttoned his jeans, adjusting them around his hips. He looked at himself in the mirror, judging his reflection.

His hair was knotted and stuck to his forehead in several places. The wound on his leg was hidden away by the navy denim, but it hurt like hell to walk. Even using Five as a crutch had been painful. His shirt, still the one from Agnes, had gotten dirty. Sighing, he carefully took it off and pulled on a shirt for Nirvana.

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