Chapter Forty-One: Discovering That Diego Isn't a Liar

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[hargreeves house–like, 5 am wednesday morning]

KLAUS RESTED his chin on the top of Ben's head. "Should we tell them that Mom found us?"

Ben shrugged and nibbled the cookie. "Probably."

Klaus nodded. "Okay. Let's do that after we eat."

Ben nodded. Klaus moved and flung himself in a seat, smiling at Mom.

Allison had given the two boys her blessing to go sneak more food and supplies for them. Luther had curled up on the floor, and Vanya had finally stopped bleeding. Allison was sitting on a chair next to the bed, loosely holding their sisters hand. Jordan was sleeping on Five, and Five himself had just drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately, Mom had pretty much been sitting in the kitchen waiting for them.

"Boys! I knew you'd come back," she'd smiled widely at them. "I made you cookies!"

And, well, one doesn't simply refuse cookies from Mom. So, here they where, sitting at the table eating sandwiches with cookies and milk.

"Ben, Klaus," Mom began, washing dishes as she spoke. "Did the rest of your siblings come back with you? Your father has just been worried sick about you seven!"

Absently, Klaus wondered where their Past-Selves where and why they where missing. What had they been doing in 2002?

Ben froze, the cookie falling from his hands and onto his plate. He stood up stiffly and tapped Klaus' shoulder. "We need to go get the others and leave," he muttered. Mom didn't notice their silence; she hummed a French lullaby as she started drying dirty plates.

"What? Why?"

"Because we aren't supposed to be here," Ben hissed, eyeing Mom. "We have to leave."

"Ugh, fine," Klaus shoved his cookie into his mouth and put his sandwich in his pocket.

"Mom, I'll be right back," Ben said, standing on his tiptoes and giving the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, alright Ben." She smiled kindly. Ben smiled back, his eyes sad, and grabbed Klaus. He dragged his brother out of the kitchen and up into the living room.

"Shit," Ben murmured. Pogo was there, staring up at the portrait of Five. Klaus gasped quietly.

"Ben, what vulgar language!" He whispered.

"Klaus, be quiet! Pogo is right. There." Ben jabbed a finger at the monkey, who was leaning heavily on his cane.


Ben stared at his brother, wondering how stupid one could be. Of course, Ben was probably just as stupid; it'd taken him this long to realize it. It should've been obvious, especially since Diego fucking told them.

"Klaus, do you not remember Diego telling us that Allison and Luther knew something they didn't want us to know?"

Klaus shrugged and made a so-so guesture. "I may or may not have been high."

Ben's jaw dropped. Anger made his hands clench. "You're kidding," he said through gritted teeth.

Klaus gave him an incredulous look. "Of course I'm joking, dumbass. Where would I have even gotten the drugs?"

Ben took a deep breath and forced himself to unclench his hands. "Diego said that we'd absorbed our Past-Selves. Mom mentioned that we'd disappeared, that Dad was worried sick. Now, what could've happened to make Dad worry and is disappear?"

Klaus shrugged again. "Maybe we went out to that donut shop and didn't come back?"

Ben purses his lips before lightly hitting his brother over the head. Klaus muttered an ow.

"You're a lot meaner, now that you're alive."

Ben frowned. "Sorry."

"I was joking, Benny-Boy," Klaus sighed. "It's refreshing."

Pogo walked away, disappearing into the lobby.

"C'mon." Ben and Klaus sprinted quietly across the floor, running up a small staircase rarely used. They reached the second floor and watched Pogo retreat into his room. Mom was most likely still in the kitchen, and Dad in his study. He was always in his fucking study.

Then, moving like ninjas—indeed, that was one of Klaus' favorite way to sneak around—the two made their way into Five's room.

Allison perked up and frowned when she saw their empty arms. "Where the hell is the food?"

"Mom knows we're here," Ben said, straightening; he was still really damn short. "And we know why you didn't want us to talk to them."

Allison pressed her lips together in a thin line. "Shit."

i got to work ten minutes early and the building isn't even unlocked so i'm sitting on the ground wishing for death and regretting pretty much everything i've ever done lmao
anyways, what? o no, Allison was keeping secrets????? But they figured them out???? Ohhhhh shitttttt
i hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovely, lovely day!!!!

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