Chapter Eighty-Five: w a t

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[jordans house—about two p.m. and , thursday: approx. seven seconds after bille ramone fired gun]

TIME HAD slowed down. Luther was on the floor, holding his side as blood spilled from the wound. Vanya had taken two giant steps to her brother and then fell to her knees, her eyes wide and already filled with tears. Diego had scooped up a shard of broken glass and thrown it, missing by a long shot; Klaus had covered his face and staggered backwards in surprise. Ben's jaw had dropped and he stared the blond boy laying on the floor, his eyes blank. Five had gasped and Allison had frozen in place.

Jordan watched as the red-eyed woman lifted her gun a second time, aiming it at Allison. He knew he should move, shout a warning, use his powers, lunge for her—he should do something.

But he couldn't.

The gun went off, bullet racing through the air, colliding with the Hargreeves girl. It landed itself in her right forearm, and she stumbled backwards as her left hand went to cover the wound. Vanya's head whipped upwards, and upon seeing the look on Allison's face, her jaw clenched.

The girl picked up her violin and her bow, placing the instrument under her chin and Billie grinned.

"Do it, you little fucker. End me." she dropped the gun and grinned, her ruby eyes sparkling. Everyone stared at her, even Luther, as she spread her arms as if waiting for a hug. "They killed her, y'know," Billie said to Five. "They killed my girlfriend. She hasn't been alive since I took on the job of killing you. It's all your fault, Five."

Five's jaw went slack, and his eyes blank. Jordan felt a rush of anger, but Vanya beat him to it—with her fingers flying over the strings, she started playing a song, and Billie flew backwards, her head snapping against the wall.

Vanya's violin screeched, and then one of the strings snapped. She dropped the instrument and raced to the phone, her hair wild and tears streaking down her face.

"Vanya, stop!" Klaus said suddenly, jumping over Billie and snatching the phone out of his sister's hands. "We can't call the police!"

"We have to, Klaus, we have to!" said Vanya, her voice hoarse and choked up. "We-we have to! She shot them!"

"I know," Klaus mumbled. Diego walked over to them, taking the phone from Klaus and dialing a different number. "I know, Vanya, but how are we supposed to explain this? We just killed about a hundred people."

Jordan felt his breath get knocked out; he had helped with that. Sure, he knew they would've killed him in a heartbeat, but...still.

Five noticed this and his hand stretched out to the curly-haired boys, interlacing their fingers.

"Who are you calling?" Vanya asked Diego, her shoulders going up and down rapidly.

"Dad," Diego muttered. Vanya started to panic, her eyes going wide, and Klaus immediately pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back. Ben grabbed Five and Jordan's hands and dragged them over to Luther, shoving them both at him before going to Allison. He didn't speak, his mouth seemingly glued shut, but neither of them needed the boy to talk to know what to do.

"This is going to hurt, Luther," Five muttered as he grabbed his brother's hand; Jordan had a scrap of clean cloth ready to press over the wound, his hands shaking slightly.

"No duh, Five," Luther mumbled, so Five tore the blond's hand away and Jordan pressed the cloth down. Luther cried out in pain and swore quite a bit.

"We have to get his bleeding under control," Five said. "But first, have someone get your bleeding under control. I don't even think you've truly registered the fact that you still have a knife in the back of your fucking leg.

Jordan twisted his head around and was slightly shocked to remember that, yes, he did indeed have a fucking knife in his leg.

"I forgot about that," he mumbled, and Five snorted.

"Diego, come help Jordie get the knife out of his leg." He called out.

"O-Okay," Diego stuttered, and he hung up the phone. "Dad s-said he'd be here in fi-fifteen."

"How the fuck is he going to get here?" Klaus snapped from where he was still comforting Vanya. Diego shrugged and went into the bathroom, bringing out the first-aid kit.

"This is g-going to hurt l-l-li-like a bitch, J-Jordie," Diego told him, and Jordan shrugged.

He wasn't going to lie; when Diego did pull the knife out, he held back a scream of pain and still didn't all the way succeed in keeping it hidden. As the boy cleaned out the wound and bandaged it tightly, he became aware of the fact that his previous stab wound had been reopened. He quickly pointed it out to Diego, who bandaged that as well.

They all worked in silence; Ben helping to get Allison's wound under control, Klaus calming Vanya down, Five and Jordan helping Luther while Diego went around in circles, cleaning first his own injuries and then the others (what he could clean, anyways—he was by no means a good person to have working with a first-aid kit).

"Do you guys hear that?" Vanya suddenly said, lifting her head up from Klaus's shoulder; her eyes were bloodshot and face was dirty, hair framing her face in a crazy way.

"No," Five said, but his green eyes held a little hope. "Why? What is it?"

"A jet," Vanya murmured, stepping away from her brother. She stepped over Billie's dead body carefully (Jordan half-expected the body's hand to shoot out and grab Vanya's ankle, that sadistic grin back once more) and moved to the window. Her jaw dropped.

"Dad came in the private jet."

"No fucking way," Diego said, but then there was a sudden roaring in all of their ears, Vanya covering hers and squeezing her eyes shut. The trees started moving in the wind, and then a sleek, small-sized jet landed in Jordan's front yard.

last chapter of the day! i hope they were okay - i don't think i did very well, as i just can not write action to save my life, but i sincerely hope they weren't all that terrible of a read.
have a lovely, lovely day!!!

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