Chapter Thirty: Tuesday Morning

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[jordans house–really damn early tuesday morning]

DIEGO GROANED as he caught sight of his face.

Their Group Bro Hug had ended when Five took a deep breath and announced he needed to go speak with Jordan; Klaus had declared he must be there and gotten punched. Now, to heal the probably-appearing black eye, he was playing Mario Kart with Ben.

Diego had said he needed to pee before joining, because he really did. Then he realized his eyes where a hot red and he didn't like it. He'd stood in front of the mirror, blinking and willing his eyes to return to normal.

Knowing they wouldn't, he sighed and rubbed his eyes. He felt exhausted, ready to die. He'd wept in front of Ben. In front of Klaus. In front of Five, who probably hadn't cried since he came out of the womb.

Diego made the quick decision that he was going to go upstairs, conquer the nest of blankets, and sleep.

He trudged down the hall, the sound of Klaus complaining of Ben's "cheating" loud and obnoxious. Quietly as possible, Diego opened the attic door and slunk up the stairs.

"We have to tell them, Allison!" Luther hissed. Diego froze, only a few feet away from the top step. His eyes went wide and he immediately put on his Sibling-Eavesdropping Ears.

"We can't," Allison said back, her own tone angry. "There's too much going on. This isn't that important. Not yet."

"What do you mean, 'isn't that important'?" Diego could almost hear Luther's air quotes.

"I mean, what with Five having his own problems, Diego dealing with all that emotional shit he's been cooking up for years, Klaus getting sober—you can't tell me you haven't noticed his twitching—" Diego felt a stab of guilt; he hadn't noticed anything wrong with Klaus. "Ben came back from the dead, Vanya doesn't seem to remember anything, and Jordan has enough problems without us mucking around in his life! We don't need to tell them until something settles down!"

The air above was fiery, tense with anger and frustration. Even hidden below them, Diego could tell both Allison and Luther where pissed. But what where they pissed about? If it was what had been broiling between them for the past few days, it had to be big.

"We have to tell them, Allison." Luther sounded tired now; he was pleading with her. "We have to tell them about Dad."

Diego perked up; Dad. It had something to do with their bastard father.

"We are not telling anyone about Dad's search warrant. We will not." Allison was seething, that much was obvious.

Search warrant?

"I'm telling Five, at least. He's our time-travel expert, and he'll know what we need to do." Luther started to walk towards the steps, and Diego panicked. He grabbed the handle of the knife before remembering that this is his brother; no matter how much he wants too, he can't just kill Luther. Not here, anyways. Allison would be a witness.

"You will not tell our brother." Allison said. Diego relaxed; Luther had stopped walking. Allison most likely had grabbed his arm.

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