Chapter Thirty-Four: Wow Billie That's Not Suspicious

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[jordans house–tuesday afternoon]

IT HAD been a good Tuesday, Jordan thought as he walked inside. The sun had been warm, he'd aced the Spanish test, Tate and him where good once more, and Tate might finally get a boyfriend.

And, he thought upon seeing Five in his living room, whatever he had going on with him was going fucking spectacular.

"Hey, Jordie," Allison said; she and Vanya where sitting on the couch, cartoons playing on the TV. "How was school?"

"It was okay, Alli. I got an A on my Spanish test," Jordan tossed his bag on the floor and walked over to the big armchair where Five sat. Without thinking, he sat down on Five's lap.

Allison and Vanya grinned evilly and exchanged a look; Five flushed, and Jordan pretended not to notice, focused on making sure he didn't blush as well. But he didn't move from that spot; instead, he swung his feet over the armrest and wiggled around until his head could rest on Five's shoulder. His toes skimmed the floor.

"So, when did..." Vanya vaguely waved her hand around at the two of them. "This happen?"

Five shrugged. Jordan could feel his head move as the other boys shoulder rose and fell.

"Sometime last night," said Five, his hand moving to play with Jordan's curls. Jordan practically melted right then and there; he'd been afraid he might've pushed a boundary, sitting in his lap—after all, this had happened just last night—but Five's hands where soft with callouses, twisting around his hair gently and scratching his scalp lightly.

God, Jordan was sure he was going to die. Five was too damn great.

Vanya started asking him about getting her a violin—Jordan told her Tate might have one, his little brother used to play—and all the while Five kept playing with his curls. It felt like one of Jordan's favorite daydreams; the sunlight streaming in the window, warming his shoulders and drifting onto Five's face, turning his green irises into rolling hills and lush meadows of color. It smelled like vanilla, he was talking about music with Allison and Vanya, Five's fingers twisting through his hair. The only thing that could make it better was Ron on the floor watching cartoons and interjecting with sarcastic comments. Maybe Tate.

"I don't know," Vanya made a clicking sound of disapproval. "Personally, I like Green Day better than Nirvana."

Allison shook her head. "That hurt, Vanya. That hurt." She placed a hand over her heart in mock offense. They all laughed; Jordan felt his heart beat faster when he realized that when Five laughed, he could feel his chest vibrate.

"Is Jordie home yet? He needs to go shopping, we haven't got any more peanut butter," Klaus yelled, running down the stairs. He was followed by Diego, Ben, and Luther.

"Oh, guten tag, Jordan!" exclaimed Klaus. "We've run out of peanut butter."

Jordan nodded and smiled, heart swelling when Klaus said "we". It made him feel like he was a part of a family; a real, happy, dysfunctional family. It made him feel even better when none of them even batted an eye at the sight of him lounging on Five. Sure, Luther's eye twitched, and Diego gave him a Big Brother Look, but the four boys just came downstairs and took up seats in the living room.

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