Chapter Sixty-Seven: L-O-V-E Spells-Hey, What Do You Think You're Doing?

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[jordans house–about 3:30 p.m., sunday afternoon]

"OKAY, I need a bathroom break," Klaus said, getting to his feet and leaving.

"Wait, we–" Luther stopped and sighed as Klaus simply went into the restroom.

"A break actually sounds really, really nice," Allison said.

"Agreed!" Ron shoots his hand up in the air.

"You haven't even been doing anything," Vanya said to him. He shrugged.

"I've been laying on the floor with my eyes closed," he argued.

"Okay, okay, fine," Luther surrenders. "We can take an hour break."

With that, he goes upstairs. Allison and Vanya turn on the TV, while Ben and Ron announce they're going to play video games.

"Jordie, can we talk in the kitchen?" Five whispers.

Jordan gives him a curious look but nods, grabbing Fives hand and using it to get to his feet. Carefully, the two make their way into the kitchen. Jordan sits down on a chair and Five does the same.

"What's up?" Jordan asks.

Five looks into the living room quickly and then reaches into his pocket, pulling out—

"What's happening?" Klaus practically threw himself on the table, causing Five to shove whatever he'd been taking out back into his pocket. "Aww, no fair! I don't get to see?" He pouted.

"No. Now, leave. We get an hour break from planning," Five snapped.

"Jeez, okay. You and Luther are, like, the worst PTA Moms ever," Klaus mumbled before leaving.

"PTA Moms?" Five said. Jordan snickers. "It's not funny." Five says.

"Sure it's not," Jordan smiles. "What were you gonna show me?"

"This," Five pulls out a magazine and smooths our the crinkled cover. Jordan picks it up and reads it.

"Holy shit," he whispers.

"Yeah," Five crosses his arms. "We need to get Diego back and then go home. We can't go back to our timeline. Not anymore."

"Okay," Jordan nods. "That's–that's okay, right?"

"It's fine, it's just that–" Five sighed, frustrated. "I don't understand why this happened. By all accounts, our Past-Selves should be living out the year of 2002. We should be intruding on them. We should not have suddenly made them fade out of existence."

"Not everything has an explanation. Time-travel's weird, right?" Jordan reached over and grabbed Fives hand.

"True." Five sighed again, this time more tired than upset. "Now, another thing we need to talk about. Are we telling them about your powers?"

Jordan pressed his lips together and released the others hand. "Technically, I know I should. But, it's just..."

Five nodded and grasped Jordans hand, interlacing their fingers.

"I don't know," Jordan said. "I've just never told anyone. You're the first person to know–and I didn't even tell you."

"Yeah," Five nodded again. "I get it. And if you don't want to tell them, I understand. But I think you should. Not just for helping Diego, but for you. I'm sure that it'll feel so much better, having that weight off your chest."

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