Chapter Eighty: DanCe ParTy!!1!1!1!!!!!!11

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[jordans house--ten-twenty-three, wednesday night]

IT IS quiet in the Reel household, everyone moving about in a tense preparation for the fight tomorrow. 

The eight of them have been moving nonstop, Jordan and Ron sharing small conversations on the phone--T There has been too much happening much too fast. 

Luther's plan had been edited and modified until everyone deemed it perfect. Of course, there would always be the one thing that could turn it all around, but Five had done the math and declared that it was so unlikely, it just simply couldn't happen. 

So, hopefully everything went to plan. Jordan really, really hoped it would. If it didn't, someone would probably die. 

"Are you sure it's okay with your mom if we do this to her bed?" Ben asked, his brow furrowed as he stood over the mattress with a pair of scissors in his hand. Jordan tilted his head, the pair of scissors he held cool and comforting in his own. 

"I mean, no, but she's not here and she hardly uses it anyways." 

"Oh," Allison makes a face. "So it's totally chill." 

"Yeah, pretty much." 

She snorts in laughter and then continues on her way to the kitchen, leaving Ben and Jordan to dismember the mattress in the living room. As they do so, Diego moves past with an entire box full of old wires leftover from things Jordan can't remember, and Vanya follows with an ax in her hands. Five eventually exits the kitchen and greets Jordan with a kiss on the cheek (upon which Ben chucks a piece of cotton at them) before starting to help them take apart the mattress. 

In the kitchen, Allison watches Luther with crossed arms and an arched eyebrow. "What are you doing, Space-Boy?" she asked, and he grins. 

"Nothing, really. I'm actually being sort of useless." He replied, and as Diego grabbed the peanut butter he interjected:

"You always are." 

"Wow, so funny." Luther calls after his brother. "Haha." 

The blond turns back around and presses play on the CD player. He slowly turns up the volume knob and grins like a child on Christmas, turning back around to Allison with his blue eyes twinkling. 

"You are such a dork," Allison said with a giggle. From the living room, there was what sounded like Ben's laugh. 

"When the hell did you get my CD player?" Jordan calls out, but then he starts laughing. Allison peeks her head around the door and smiles at the sight of Klaus dragging him around as they dance wildly, Ben doing the same to Five (who looks grumpy but you can see the smile tugging at his lips). 

"Should we dance?" Luther says, extending his hand to Allison with a bow. She lets out a breathless giggles. 

"Are you having a dance party without us?" Diego suddenly entered the house with Vanya at his side, a smile on his face. Luther stood up and nodded. 

"You said I was useless, so you can't come to the party," He replied. Diego placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt while the girls laughed. 

"Loser's, c'mon! Even Fivey is dancing!" Klaus yelled, and Allison grabbed Diego and Vanya's wrists, dragging them into the living room. Luther followed them, and what Klaus had said was true; Jordan was spinning around the room with Five wildly, face flushed and a wide grin on his face. 

The song I Think We're Alone Now was echoing throughout the house, and Vanya was twirling with Klaus while Ben and Diego danced next to each other; Luther and Allison were making faces at each other as they made up dance moves, while Five and Jordan just kind of...moved. It was a little awkward at first, but as the song advanced everyone started to fall into a rhythm, laughing and accidentally tripping. 

When the song changed, everyone paused for a breather, listening to the next song come on. 

"Not that I'm objecting, but," Jordan smiled breathlessly, his curls wild. "Why did we do that?"

Luther shrugged, smiling as well. "I felt like we should." 

"Well," Diego clapped a hand on his brother's shoulder. "It was the right decision." 

"Damn," Klaus said. "I wish I'd gotten that on tape." 

Diego stuck his tongue out and flipped the brunet off. Everyone laughed. 

"Anyways, I'm going to go do something useful," Luther grinned. "I've got to go cut some wood." 

"And Vanya and I have to go plant a bomb!" Diego said, slinging an arm around her. She stumbled slightly but smiled warmly. 

"Ooh, I wanna help!" Klaus exclaimed, bounding outside with the other two. 

Five rolled his eyes but announced that he would try to keep them from blowing the house up. Ben, Allison, and Jordan remained in the living room, returning to the mattress that was half-dismembered. 

"Don't know about you two," Ben said as he picked up his scissors. "But I am ready to beat that red-eyed lady."

"Agreed," Allison nodded, and then they returned to work with a light chatter going on. Occasionally, you would be able to hear the shouts of Five or Vanya, insisting that Klaus put that explosive stuff down, or that Diego does NOT cut that wire

By the time it hit eleven-thirty, everything was set up. Luther agreed to keep watch first with Ben, and the two settled down, one in the kitchen facing the back door and the other watching out the front window. Everyone else drifted off to a light sleep, waiting for Thursday. 

(hopefully) Billie wouldn't know what hit her.


last chapter for the day, so i hope these five were okay? i know they probably weren't that good but i tried lol

i hope you all have a lovely day!!!!!!

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