Chapter Twenty-One: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

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[jordans house–sunday evening]

BY THE time Five was back in the kitchen, Jordan was placing the apples into the pie crust. Although he had no idea how to make pie, it was amazing Jordan had this much done this quickly.

"Hey," Jordan looked up and smiled; Five's heart skipped a beat. Holy shit, his front tooth was chipped.

Holy fucking shit, it was adorable.

"Your tooth is chipped," Five blurted, immediately chiding himself as Jordan reached up and felt his tooth.

Upon finding the sliver missing on his front tooth, he giggled and said, "Guess so."

Five was embarrassed; he felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out. Or dying. Or both. Jordan was smiling at him, that chipped front tooth adorable, his freckles the most striking constellation, his curls looking softer than silk, the too-big sweatshirt he'd dug out of a closet hiding everything but his slender fingers.

Five wanted to kiss him. Really, really badly. So terribly much, it made his heart ache and his pulse pound.

"I got band-aids," Five said, thrusting them out; he needed to control himself, what the fuck was he doing? Something big was happening, something huge, and Jordan was a distraction! He couldn't afford to be distracted.

"We should probably change your velociraptor one too," Jordan started heating up the oven and dried his hands off, leaving the pie on the counter. "Just to be safe. Sit down."

Five, remembering what happened last time the dinosaur band-aids where involved, flushed. He practically went weak in the knees at the memory of what Jordan had looked like.

If it was possible, Jordan looked even prettier with this busted up face.

"Okey-dokey, Five, lets patch your face up." Jordan pulled up a chair too, opening the box of band-aids and dumping a few out. He looked around, sighed, and then got up to snatch a few wash cloths and a glass of warm water. "Okay, now I can actually help," Jordan grinned with his newly-chipped front tooth (that was gonna kill Five holy fuck) and sat down once more.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you," said Jordan, and he slowly started wiping off the blood that had dripped onto his face.

The water was warm and soothing, and Five was lost in Jordan's hazel-honey eyes, drowning when his fingertips brushed against his bare skin. Jordan smelled like sugar cookies, lavender, coconut, apple pie, alcohol, blood and sweat, and it smelled like heaven and hell, all in one.

Jordan was chewing gently on his bottom lip, going through the motion of biting and wincing, licking blood off and then repeating that. It was really, really hot.

"What band-aid? Pink triceratops, orange pterodactyl, or green egg?"

"Pink triceratops?"

"Got it."

Jordan unwrapped the band-aid (the giant ones meant for knees) and carefully pressed it onto the cut on his cheek. He smiled when it was on. "Perfect."

Jordan had to resist the urge to kiss the band-aid. To kiss Five, who was looking up at him through his thick lashes and flushing.

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