Chapter Fifty-Three: Back To Some Other Important Kiddos

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[jordans house–late thursday night]

BEN SIGHED. He was exhausted. How did Mom do this?

Finally, everyone else was asleep. Luther had passed out on the couch, while Klaus slept in Jordan's bed. Allison had chosen to rest on a chair besides Vanyas bed.

Tears suddenly filled his eyes. God, he was tired. It hadn't even been a full day. It was only eleven forty. God.

Ben allowed the tears to fall, hot on his face. A sob suddenly wrecked through him, shoulders shaking. His heart burned and his stomach felt like it was full of lead. He wanted to vomit.

Shit. He was gonna vomit.

Ben raced to the bathroom, bending over the toilet and letting out what little food he had in his stomach.

After, he rested his head against the cool porcelain. It felt nice, even though his skin was crawling and his mouth tasted like rotten cereal. Could cereal rot? Ben didn't know.

For a moment, Bens mind flashed back to all the times Klaus had been in this position. Although, most of the time, Klaus has been drunk or high. Or both. How the tables had turned. Kind of.

After another five minutes or so, Ben dragged himself away from the toilet. Shakily, he turned on the sink and splashed cold water on his face. He swished a handful through his teeth to try and get the rotten taste out. When that didn't work, he used a capful of mouthwash. It helped significantly. His mouth now tasted like Cool Winter Peppermint, which was ultimately more pleasant.

With a deep sigh, Ben counts to ten. Once he's reached the number, he swings the door open and steps back into the light of the kitchen. Carefully, he tiptoes around Luther and upstairs, checking on Klaus and his sisters. For a minute, he tries to remember where Diego, Five, and Jordan are.

Then he remembers that he was no fucking clue.

Tears invade his eyes once more, blurring his vision. Leaning against the wall, Ben chokes back a sob. God, this is all so stressful!

"Benny? You okay?"

Ben's head whirled up to see Klaus, hair messy and clothes rumpled. His eyes where red, but he looked concerned.

"I–I'm fine, Klaus," Ben said, but his voice was thick and heavy, filled with unspilled tears.

Klaus sighed and stumbled over to him, sitting next to Ben. He leaned his head on his shoulder, wrapping an arm around his brother. "We love you, Ben. And you're doing great."

Ben sniffled, leaning into his brother. "Are you high again?"

Klaus sighed again, snuggling closer. "Nothing gets past you, huh?"

Ben made a soft, exasperated noise and leaned into Klaus. The smell of weed was strong, and made his eyes burn, but honestly?

Just being able to physically touch Klaus—to hug his brother, his best friend—was enough to ground him. Enough to calm him down until both boys where asleep, soft snores filling the Reel household. It was a peaceful sleep for them, I suppose; not so much for the other two Hargreeves.

[the commission–time unknown]

Diego clenched his jaw, avoiding looking at Park.

"You know, I was only a dick once." they said. "You don't have to ignore me so much."

"It's entirely possible he's not talking because of the fact that I stabbed his ribs and nearly broke his spine. Also that nasty concussion was a factor." Billie scoffed. She was leaning against the bars, while Park sat on a bench with their arms crossed and a pouty expression.

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