Chapter One-The Party

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Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by! This is the first time I'm writing on here, so please be kind! I'm not a history or English major, so please forgive any mistakes. I have been working on this for a few months already and It's almost finished so you will not have to wait long for updates! Enjoy! Feedback is defiantly appreciated. 


"Come on. Get to walking ya ol' goat" said one of the Queen's soldiers laughing as she playfully bump shoulders with the man walking next to her. "Don't want to be late for our own party."

"Ah, easy for you to say Alex. You didn't take an arrow to the leg." The man smiled as he limped besides her.

Alex was one of the few female soldiers in the Queen's army. She was well built with sun kiss skin and blonde hair. She join to support her family back home a few years ago, but quickly rose through the ranks in the Queen's army. Tonight she hopes to be knighted.

She saved an entire village from an attack. Of course, it was by accident. She was sneaking off her campsite to find a maiden she took to liking in the town they passed through. Half-way there she spotted scouts from the other Kingdom. She followed them back to their campsite without being seen. She gathered information on the other Kingdom and reported back. She showed her unit where the other campsite was and snuck into the other kingdom's officer tent, slashing their throats before they could even breathe a word. Her unit was able to successfully eliminate the other Kingdom's unit and saved the town.

She told her commander that she saw the scouts near their campsite and followed them because she did not want to waste time. No one needed to know she only saw them because she was breaking the rules to sneak out to find company. So, her commander hailed her as a hero. Word traveled back to the Kingdom and the Queen requested the unit's company.

"What you thinking about there, Alex?" said the man. He was older then Alex with a scruffy face.

"That maiden... and what I wished I could have done to her" Alex smirked. "You know Jack, she could have been then one."

Jack roared with laughter. "Alex, I been knowing you know for a few years. And I don't think anyone can keep you." Alex placed her hand over her heart and pretended to be offended. She definitely gave the other boys in the unit a run for their money when it came to picking up woman.

"I'll tell you what" Jack said. "If you ever let someone keep you, I'll eat a pickled pinkberry." Pinkberries were the sourest of all fruits and when it is pickled, it is even worse. Rumor says your face stays puckered for weeks after a single bite.

"Deal" said Alex letting her thoughts drift. "Maybe I will find the one tonight at the Queen's party".


Sometime later, Alex and her unit was in their quarters at the Queen's castle getting ready for tonight.

"What do you think the Queen will be like?" Asked Alex.

"I heard she is an old, bitter woman." Said a young boy

"I heard she has a death smell to her because she killed so many souls. They stick to her now like perfume." Said another.

Alex swallowed her breath. She heard many stories about the queen from her years in the army. She and no one else in the unit officially met the queen and Alex was getting nervous. It was rumored the queen was looking for a new personal knight. It paid more and she would only travel when the Queen traveled. She doubted she would get such an honor, but one can dream.

The Kingdom of RiverNight- The Tale of the queen and her knightWhere stories live. Discover now