chapter six

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ava's pov.

it's nearly the end of lunch, i'm just scrolling through instagram, eating an apple. marina sits across from me just on her phone, i'm mad at her still but i never leave her alone at lunch, we just haven't spoken. it honestly sucks so bad that we are fighting, but i still feel like what i said wasn't wrong. she and my sister always baby me.

i do understand where they are coming from. i know that they're worried about me making the wrong decision with billie. believe it or not, billie still scares me, but she didn't really even give me an option about hanging out. she's extremely bipolar, she'll be nice then out of nowhere she'll turn back to her normal cold ways. but for some reason she always comes around to talk to me again. i didn't even wanna ask her for the ride but i felt stuck, i didn't wanna go with my sister. i snap out of my thoughts when i look to see marina look up at me.

"i know you don't wanna talk yet, but are you coming home with me?" she asks with hopeful eyes. i knew she was upset, we never fight. but i had no desire to talk about everything until after i went with billie, because i know they will try to talk me out of it, that's why she's trying to talk to me now. i couldn't even say no to billie, so it wouldn't even matter.

i shook my head. "no, i'm gonna take a uber" i say packing my stuff up. she nods and starts to walk towards the door. she looks back up at me.

"are you atleast coming to free av?" she says, while fixing her sleeves.

i look down and sigh. i wanted to go with her so bad, but billie told me to meet her. i look around for a few seconds. i had so much work to do, plus i was seeing her later. i'll just text her and go to free. but part of me knows this isn't the best idea.

i nod, "yeah i'll come." i say smiling softly, following her to the library.


i sit down at a table with marina, and sit in front of her. neither of us have said a word. she knew not to push me, i could tell she just wanted me to sit with her.

i pull out my phone, my finger hovering over my messages with billie. i was scared to tell her i wasn't going, she always changes her moods and i wasn't getting on her bad side. a part of me still wants to just get up and go with her. when she's nice, i like to take advantage of it while it's there and she makes me feel special, i've never felt that way. she switches her moods constantly. she can get extremely angry, and i was so scared of her, but i couldn't stay away either. it's like a thrill when i'm with her.

i put down my phone and sigh. i'll just text her when i'm home and say i went home early, and i'll just avoid her the rest of today. i take out my  homework and just start it.

i worked in silence for about 25 minutes until i felt marina tap my hand.

"yes? " i say, still writing and slightly look up at her.

she was packing up her stuff, and then looked at me. "i'm going to meet up with adry, do you wanna come?" she asked.

i shake my head and laugh a little. "no, the last thing i need is you two-" i start to say, before getting interrupted by the library doors getting flung open.

we turn our heads around and see the librarian  in front of the door, and a fuming billie.

my heart stops as i hear the librarian say "this isn't your free period, billie." trying to block her

"i don't give a fuck." she says through her gritted teeth, pushing past him, eyes searching the room, until they lock with mine. she starts her way over to me, and i feel my heart in my throat.

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