chapter thirty two

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billies pov.

i know.

i already fucking know.

i'm a dick, i should've just been honest with her.  now we are here, and i had to tell her who really killed mario.

i've known for months, since i came home after being arrested. adryana pulled me aside and told me, she was scared. i promised her i would help her, for her sake and ava's. ava couldn't live without her sister, and if me taking the fall for it was gonna save adryana, then fuck i'd do it.

but finneas got me a lawyer, and they told me
they really have nothing but her mother's word. not even the gun, adryana threw it into an ocean she said. the only problem was, ahe was at the trap when she killed him. so mad shit, led back to me. so even if i got off for the murder, the gang affiliation shit is gonna cause me time or probation or some shit.

it's been stressing me the fuck out, so i leave sometimes. and no, i don't cheat on ava. i would never. i just go out for drives and smoke and make plays to just relax. from time to time i snort some shit, but it's nothing. i'm good.

i quickly snap out of my thoughts by marina. "ava! you need to go the hospital!" she says.

ava groans in pain, and i run to her. "come on baby, it's okay. she's finally coming." i say with a smile, rubbing her arm. "i know i've been an ass, and i will explain it all later, but let's go angel." i coo.

ava gives me a small smile, and nods. i take her up the stairs, and we all rush out to adryanas car.

once we all get settled in the car, adryana begins to drive. i sit there and hold ava as she is breathing heavy.

"i know you have anxiety right now babe, just breathe please. please. i'm here." i whisper into her hair.

the rest of the ride was me holding her and all of us just trying to calm her down. it was quick, and then we got there.

we got ava out the car, and we walk inside.

"she's in labor!" adryana yells at the nurse, and they immediately put her in a wheel chair. we all start following them but the nurse stops.

"are you all family?" she asks.

"i'm her sister, and this is her girlfriend she'll be signing the birth certificate." adryana says.

she nods quickly, "you two can come. but you have to stay put in the waiting room maam." she says, looking at marina.

marina sighs, and then nods. i give her a reassuring look. "i'll come out and tell you everything. you'll be the first come in with fin." i say, with a small smile.

she smiles and goes to sit in the waiting room, and we go with the nurse.

once she gets into a room, they put her on the bed and hand her a gown.

"put this on, and i'll come check how dilated you are to see if we can admit you." she says.

ava groans. "i think it's close..the contractions are almost every minute." she cries out, and i hold her hand. "it's okay baby." i whisper.

the nurse nods. "put the gown on i'll be back in 2 minutes." she says again, then leaves.

i start helping ava take her clothes off and put the gown, and adryana stares out the window. she's stressed about what happened earlier.

i tie the back of her dress and i move her hair, and kiss her neck softly. "baby.." i whisper. i know she was in pain, and needed me. but i knew deep down she was pissed.

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