Chapter 1

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Love, it overwhelms you make you high like you are on the purest form of heroin. Love is the purest of all emotions a human being feels. I was surrounded by love, from my parents, my siblings, but most importantly the love of my life Hamza.

It had taken me some time to realize what I felt for Hamza was not a crush but, love. If he hadn't confessed his feelings to me before I came to Harvards I would never have realized it. Hamza had always been respectful and considerate, caring for me more than himself.

We have known each other for practically our whole lives. Feelings tend to change when you have known someone for a long. The change in both our feelings had been so gradual that we have been left overwhelmed when the realization struck us.

"Em," Reem elbowed me in the rib.

My eyes shot up to hers in a questioning gaze," That hottie over there is checking you out, two o clock," she whispered.

I turned my eyes and looked at the guy and for a moment my breath stopped. I have never seen someone so devilishly good-looking. The guy must be around six and a half feet tall, with a physique that will put a vogue model to shame. His curly golden-brown hair and golden eyes made him all the more alluring.

Our eyes met and he gave me a smirk when he noticed me checking him out. I diverted my gaze from him and looked in the opposite direction.

"He is hot," Reem leaned and whispered in my ear.

There was no doubt about that, the guy was truly hot and he was aware of it, "I am with Hamza, remember?"

"Come on, Hamza might have done through a long list of girls before you, I think you should consider other options too. Who marries the first guy that proposes?" Reem asked, rolling her eyes.

"We love each other, Reem," I said in a firm voice.

It was a pool party at Reem's friend Jessica's home and she had dragged me here along with her. I usually avoided such parties to not end up in any kind of controversy. Reem on the opposite hand didn't leave any chance to attract trouble.

I was still feeling someone's gaze fixed on me now and then, while I chatted with the group we were sitting with around a table near the pool. My eyes traveled to the person and met with those golden orbs again. Something stirred in me, from the intensity of his gaze, and I tried shaking away the feeling.

The cat and mouse game between us kept going on for another hour. I could notice that guys' gaze fix on me now and again and I don't know what made me not feel disgusted. Something was intriguing about him that I couldn't keep a finger on.

The way his eyes roamed over my frame made me felt desired and to my surprise, I was starting to enjoy the attention. He was not making any move to approach me, just his gaze lingered on my body. We exchanged a few glances and every time my heartbeat raced when our eyes met. What was he doing to me?

I was in love with Hamza but this guy made me want things that I had never imagined I would ever desire. My body was starting to get heated and I felt my center throbbing. Was I even normal? How could I want someone I had just met, not even met, just come across. I scolded myself and concentrated on what my friends were saying. Guilt caught up with me soon, for wanting someone other than the man I loved.

"Jessica, who is that guy? He is checking out Emma, for some time, now," Reem asked Jessica after nearly an hour or so had passed.

"Which guy?" Jessica asked.

"The tallest one in the white tee," Reem cocked her head in the guy's direction.

"Oh him, he is Dawood Ordimez," Jessica replied," He is my brother's schoolmate."

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